There can be no denying we are each being enrolled into a single global system of identification and financial control

The Constitutional Alliance in its most recent article on the Constitutional Alliance website stated all countries will have a mandated biometric enrollment program that will require the use of international standards for the collection, retention and sharing of biometrics of ALL people globally.  We provided quotes from officials in the United States, other countries and international non-government entities.  Well, today we make the case with crystal clear clarity.

Facial Recognition is the Biometric of Choice

We have maintained that “Facial Recognition” is the “biometric of choice” because it allows for an individual to be identified and tracked in real time without the knowledge or consent of the individual.  The words “biometric of choice” originated with biometric insiders, not the Constitutional Alliance.  The fact is not only does facial recognition allow for people to be identified and tracked but has actually been used multiple times for this purpose.  One instance was at the 2012 Republican Party National Convention.  Republican or Democratic is not the issue; wrong or unconstitutional is wrong; period!
Anonymity is protected by the United States Constitution and has long been recognized as a right by the Supreme Court. Generally speaking, absent “reasonable suspicion”, the Supreme Court has ruled we do not live in a “Papers Please” society. If you want to attend a rally, protest, hearing or whatever the case might be, you cannot be forced to show identification papers or documents without reasonable suspicion that can be articulated by a law enforcement officer.  

The Chilling Effect


We have a right to free speech, peaceful assembly, free association with whom we choose, seek redress of our grievances, and not be subjected to unreasonable searches or seizure, while exercising these rights.  If these rights are not protected the result is the “Chilling Effect” of a surveillance state is realized.  The public will be inhibited from participating in the political process.  
From, Oct. 22, 2014;
 Interpol facial recognition experts meet to develop global guidelines
“Over the course of the two days, these experts successfully created a ‘best practice guide’ for the quality, format and distribution of images to be used in facial recognition.
The guideline will be distributed to all 190 Interpol member countries to ultimately improve the quality of images required to achieve accurate and effective facial recognition.
Interpol is currently working with biometrics firm Safran Morpho to develop a facial image database, which is designed to improve Interpol’s forensic capabilities. The project is expected to become operational in early 2015.” 


Safran’s U.S. subsidiary is Morpho Trust.  If you have any type of valid state issued ID including a driver’s license, the reality is that this document was most likely produced by Morpho Trust.  Safran, 1/3 owned by the French government,  proclaims it has a near 40 year partnership with Red China and boasts of  offices all over the world including in China and Russia.  Ask yourself why the Bush and Obama administrations believe our Personal Identifiable information including out biometrics should be in the hands of a foreign company, partly owned by a foreign government, when U.S. companies have the technical capability to do what Morpho Trust does?  This makes no sense.
It is difficult to speak about global biometric enrollment and at least not mention the Real ID Act 2005.  The Real ID Act 2005 was and is the first major effort by our government to ensure U.S. citizens are enrolled into a global biometric system of identification and financial control.  (See FAQ for more info on REAL ID and biometric ID)  Suffice to say for the purpose of this document that on page 68, footnote 17 of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for the Real ID Act, international standards are required for the digital facial image/photograph on driver’s licenses.  Previously, analog photographs were used that were not facial recognition software compatible because of an error rate over 70%.  On a driver’s license, there is no  distinguishable difference to the human eye between an analog and digital photograph. I raise the issue of the Real ID Act because I want to provide a quote from EDS (Electronic Data Systems) about the Real ID Act 2005. 
“Even though the Real ID Act was legislated in the U.S., the concepts established for the core identity data elements can be applied by governments all over the world.” 
There will always be people who will say that when it comes to law enforcement, information collected by law enforcement should not be limited. This is precisely why right now the Constitutional Alliance is working on a “one of a kind” document. We are going back through our archives to create a single document with links to as many of the abuses of power by law enforcement and government as possible, which have taken place over just the last year or so alone.  I promise most people will be astounded by the number of occurrences there have been.  It is the Constitutional Alliance’s purpose to educate people based on irrefutable facts that can be independently corroborated about the threat mandated global biometric enrollment presents to all people.
We do support law enforcement, our men and women in our military, and our intelligence community.  That being said, nobody should be exempted from defending and upholding our Constitution.  There are many brave men and women that place their lives on the line, and protect each of us on a daily basis.  The overwhelming majority of these people are doing their jobs the “right” way.  The problem becomes when the culture has become infected by those that are not doing their jobs the right way; the Constitutional way.  
Many countries are led by dictators or others who have no interest in the well being of any people.  Drug cartels and terrorist organizations have infiltrated many governments around the world.  Sharing our personal information with other countries simply because a country says they are conducting an investigation is absurd.  The sharing requirements do not define what an “investigation” is.  If you are a U.S. citizen and Christian do you want your religious affiliation shared globally when you are told in scripture we will be hated?  Data mining companies are collecting hundreds of data points about each of us including our religious preference.  This information is being shared with our government.  Recently as part of two national coalitions the Constitutional Alliance belongs to, I brought to the attention of the coalitions that an agency of our government had posted in the Federal Register that they would be collecting the religion of people.  The coalition reacted quickly to oppose the collecting of a person’s religion.  The proposed action we believe has been stopped.

Mandated Global Biometric Enrollment

190 countries is nearly every country in the world.  What we are talking about  is TOTAL mandated global biometric enrollment.  Only a very few countries may not be members of INTERPOL..  My last check of countries that are not members of INTERPOL included Cuba and Venezuela among a few others.  These countries may fluctuate depending on who is running the country.  That being said Cuba and Venezuela as well as other countries that are not members of Interpol are implementing mandated biometric enrollment.  

Religious Exemption

There are some Jewish people and some Christians that oppose being photographed for religious reasons.  Whether a person is an Amish person is not the point if you are a Christian.  The Amish are part of the Body of Christ.  Christians must be able to reconcile their beliefs with what is in the Bible. If we cannot, then it is our beliefs that must change, not the written word. Matthew 24 tells us we will be hated.  Throughout the New Testament we are told about the persecution Believers will be subjected to.  Luke, Mark and other books of the Bible speak to the issue of Christians turning on Christians. As each of us are part of the Body of Christ, we MUST defend one another when we each accept common faith truths, even if at times when we may not always agree on the specific understanding of all verses in the Bible.  
For those who believe I write too often about Christians, I will say I make no apology for who I am or what I believe.  I can defend my beliefs based on what is in the Bible.  Does that mean I am always going to be right?  Of course not.  I am not perfect nor have I ever claimed to be.  When it comes to discussing biometrics, I will say I have testified before state legislative committees across the country about biometrics and not once has anything I have testified about been refuted.  
Other Christians are not always right either.  There are Christians who went to Africa and preached against homosexuality. Some of these Christians returned to the United States practically gloating about the fact that countries in Africa outlawed homosexuality.  The result of the outlawing has been death for homosexuals.  This not what Jesus taught or showed us by example (the adulteress for example). Simply put; this is not the Christian way.  
We are told to preach the Gospel to the whole world.  We are not told to preach the Gospel to only select groups of people, excluding homosexuals or other groups of people we have differences with. Calling people names or worse yet, killing people is not consistent with preaching the Gospel. Anyone who calls me names is not going to get my respect, much less the time of day to discuss anything with me.  Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior not only teaches by his words but also by his actions. Those that scream obscenities at young children who are illegal immigrants that are on buses are not behaving as Christians. I say this as a person who believes the people who have or are going through the legal or lawful process of obtaining a lawful presence must be given preference; not those that have entered the United States illegally.  I am on record as strongly opposing the Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation Congress is considering and the senate has passed (S744).  As far as our interaction goes with other people I believe we each, including myself, need to ask ourselves are we acting as Christians first or as Republicans, Democrats, or even as citizens of the United States first? Do not get me wrong; I love our country and want our sovereignty protected but I am a Chrisitan first. Religious freedom is a right our forefathers assured us in the Biill of Rights.  This is just one of the reasons I love our country. 

Global Identification System Inhibits Ability to Buy and Sell

There are also many Christians that see being enrolled into a global system of identification and financial control that directly links their body to their ability to buy and sell as a precursor to the Mark of the Beast.  Those that do accept the Mark of the Beast will realize eternal damnation.  Keep in mind that this is the first time since the creation of Man that the political will and technology does exist to fulfill the specifications of what we are told in Revelation 13:14-18 will happen. Regardless, if a Christian believes there will be a Rapture (I do) and when the rapture will occur (Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib or Post Tribulation) the undeniable fact is we as Christians have a responsibility to warn non-Christians of what is to come.  This is part and parcel of showing just how dependable the Bible is.  At a time in the future I will explain why I became a Christian.  I believe there are a number of people who are asking the same questions I asked myself before I became a Christian.  
I will say this right now:  There is not one life experience that a person can have that is not discussed in scripture.  My own personal area of joy is being given the calling to warn others about what biblical prophecy says is to come.  It is not all bad; as a matter of fact there are glorious times in front of us.  When we suffer persecution it is in His name.  Both Jews and Christians agree that there will be a time when the Kingdom of God will be established on earth. 
At the Constitutional Alliance we read hundreds or more documents every year and have been doing so for many years. These documents are generated by government agencies/departments, legal and/or privacy advocates, law professors, court documents and others.  We provide the information to educate people because we have a responsibility to do so.  A person does not need to be a Christian to understand how important it is that all people have the opportunity to participate in government, regardless of which government/country is being talked about.  Biometrics is the linchpin of a surveillance state; a surveillance state and a free society cannot be reconciled.  


Finally, we realize that many people support many causes.  The Constitutional Alliance focuses on mandated biometric enrollment.  We do ask that you support financially the work we do, many have; Republicans, Democrats, non-Christians and Christians.  We operate on fumes each month.  We do not need tens of thousands of dollars each month.  What we do need is each person to realize if they believe they do not need to contribute because others will; the result will be nobody gives towards our efforts to end the surveillance state.  We do not get it both ways; you cannot support people being able to freely express their views respectfully while supporting global mandated biometrics, thus a surveillance state.  Please give today because tomorrow never comes.  As always, please share our web-site with everyone you are in contact with and ask those people to do the same.  

About The Author
Constitutional Alliance, Inc
Mark Lerner is a co-founder of the Constitutional Alliance, an alliance of groups and individuals who support the Mission Statement.

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