The Digital Road to Hell

Finally, vindication in multiple ways. After 20 years of warning people,

  • a law school released a paper titled "Paving a Digital Road to Hell", and
  • the WEF (World Economic Forum) acknowledges that Digital ID's next level is the embedding of the ID into the body.

Many people who belong to the Constitutional Alliance have contributed through the years to provide the public and lawmakers with the dangers of mandatory biometric enrollment. There can no longer be any denial about the road we are heading down with biometrics.

There are three links provided below. Any person who loves our country and our liberties should take the time to read the documents and watch one video. I am not kidding myself. I know most people will not. What people can do is support the Constitutional Alliance

Quote of John Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:

"Whether a biometric ID card in the form of a driver's license or other government-issued form of identification is the Mark of the Beast or merely the long arm of Big Brother, the outcome remains the same—ultimate control by the government."

1) Report by a law school - "Paving a Digital Road to Hell?"

2) World Economic Forum Pushes Digital ID

"Digital ID Future Agency: “Next level of data intermediaries (embedded in body, devices, homes, cities, etc.)” — World Economic Forum, February, 2022"

3) Biometric IDs:

Battling Aadhaar in India

(This is a video explaining just how bad mandatory biometric enrollment has become in India.)

Corruption is way up despite the fact that when Aadhaar was announced one of the program's initial goals was to reduce corruption. Religious freedom has been stripped and other liberties have been infringed upon or just eliminated.

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