I have known former State Representative Charles Key for eighteen years. I strongly encourage every citizen, regardless of political party, who wants their voice heard, whether in their state legislature and/or Congress, to read Charles’ book, STOLEN GOVERNMENT.
Anyone who has followed my writings on mandatory biometric enrollment, the Real ID Act, or the ever-growing surveillance state knows at various times, I have provided reasons, more like excuses, that both democrats and republicans fail to reign in the growing surveillance state.
What Charles Key has done in his new book is explain what forces are behind so few people, otherwise thought of as leadership, making nearly all decisions in state government, and in congress. While it is true that each state has their own rules for how legislation is introduced, and works through the legislative process, it is equally true that there are forces that dictate all too often why the people’s voice is not listened to or heard. How can your voice be heard if the voice of the people you elect is not heard?
Charles does not play favorites. His experiences include when republicans controlled the state legislature, and at other times when democrats had control. Also, Charles was in office when there was a republican governor, and when there was at other times a democrat who was governor.
We each want to believe that those we elect at the state level and in congress have a proverbial seat at the table, Charles explains why at times, not only to those we elect not have a seat at the table, but often there is no table, just a mirage.
There are many reasons I recommend Charles’ book, but what I always love when anyone talks about a problem, is the solution. Charles provides different options for citizens to choose from that all lead to our voices being heard.
I feel so strongly about the need for Charles book, I encourage parents have their high school age children read the book; high school age teenagers are the leaders of tomorrow! 
Mark Lerner
Co-Founder and Spokesperson: Constitutional Alliance
No compensation is received by the Constitutional Alliance or Mark Lerner for this article on Charles Key’s book. Charles Key is a former Oklahoma State Representative and a friend of the Constitutional Alliance.
Steve Meyer
CEO Constitutional Alliance
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