PII Hunters Continue to Forage and Stockpile Everything About Us

PII Hunters, including Government, specifically the DHS (Department of Homeland Security), and their cronies, specifically the biometric community, continue to forage and stockpile every detail about us. These self-serving souls are relentless in their misdirected activities. They continue to create and bolster huge stockpiles of PII (Personal Identifiable Information, including biometrics). It seems that "they" and "we" have lost track of the original purpose(s) of the massive legislation that became law following the 911 tragedies.

Paraphrasing, the Real ID Act of 2005, only one of many laws passed in the wake of 911. The Real ID Act was instrumental in driving all states into compliance with creation of a pseudo standardized means of identifying and verifying that a person is who they represent themselves to be. The main emphasis of the legislation was to identify terrorists, such as the 911 terrorists. The main emphasis of these self-serving souls seems to be to collect PII on everybody, hoping that somehow the terrorists will be found.

How Effective is the Current Approach?

Yet, does anyone know of any such person who has presented themselves to authorities so that they are properly identified within these PII store houses; as a terrorist? I am unaware of this occurring and therefor, these self-serving souls are rewriting the rules to fit their fantasies of what should be stored and on whom (of course, everyone). Let's get real, has anyone heard that any terrorist has been found through the use of these PII biometric stockpiles? Of course not! So let's make these stockpiles more robust with more PII, certainly that would identify them? Unlikely.

What is realistic is that these pundits for the need of more PII are actually aiding and implanting the insecurity of it all. As these stockpiles grow so does their value. The more valuable a target the more malevolent people who will attempt to find means to steal it for their own gain. Consider this, would you spend $3 to receive a $5 meal at a restaurant or $2 to receive a $100 buffet at another restaurant? Yes, most of us would choose the latter.

Time after time, the Constitutional Alliance has documented what a complete failure the Real ID Act has been and is.

Our government says Real ID compliant drivers licenses are being issued to organized crime groups.

Recently an article from Government Computers News was posted about thousands and thousands of people in the United States unlawfully being able to fraudulently acquire authentic Real ID compliant drivers' licenses. Read the article at https://gcn.com/cybersecurity/2023/02/texas-public-safety-agency-sent-least-3000-drivers-licenses-organized-crime-group-targeting-asian-texans/383426/

Their article was giving the best case estimates, not the actual numbers; notice in the article the author used the words "at least." Nobody can know the actual number because we are not verifying birth certificates. We also do not know how many states were involved in the scheme. When we first wrote about this problem we warned people to look at the numbers in the article from Government Computer News in the same way we think about the numbers when databases are hacked. In nearly 100% of hacks, the numbers we get originally are only a fraction of the number of people affected by the hack, thus there are almost always updates with higher numbers months down the road.

Now read the following from an article just published:

Read the article at https://gcn.com/cloud-infrastructure/2023/04/better-id-management-could-help-dmvs-become-departments-citizen-engagement/385127/

"State motor vehicle departments can take advantage of newer technologies to better manage individual identities and become a 'department of citizen engagement,' one DMV leader said this week."

Either they, the PII Hunters, think we are stupid or we are really stupid: You decide.

They cannot manage our identities now, but we are supposed to believe we should just continue to trust them and give the government permission to share what information we have already provided.

Eighteen years ago there was a law enacted that required state DMV's (Department of Motor Vehicles), or other name for state agency or departments that oversees the issuance of Real ID compliant drivers licenses or Valid state ID for those that do not drive, must verify the birth certificates of people acquiring a Real ID compliant drivers' or Real ID compliant state ID for those that do not drive, before issuing the Real ID compliant drivers' license or Valid issued state ID for those that do no drive.

Although, the law itself does not specifically say "birth certificate", the law does say the document(s) used to prove identity must include a person's full name, gender, place of birth, and date of birth. Almost everyone provides their certified birth certificate to prove identity. The law does allow states to accept other primary forms of identification if an individual does not have a birth certificate, or the state where the person was born does not have the individual's birth certificate on file.

Despite the law, and the eighteen years since the legislation became law, birth certificates are not verified in almost all instances. There is hope because some states are moving towards being able to verify birth certificates. Who knows, possibly in another eighteen years all birth certificates presented to acquire a drivers' license or Valid issued state ID for those that do not drive, will be verified.

Never underestimate the government's ability to mislead the citizenry. We are told that every state is already Real ID compliant. How can a state be compliant if it is not complying with the most important part of the law? The primary purpose of the Real ID Act was, and is, to make sure a person is who they say they are, and if the person asserts they are a U.S. citizen, the assertion is verified.

The Constitutional Alliance provided a solution.

The Constitutional Alliance provided a solution to prove a person is who they say they are over fifteen years ago. Our solution recognized the loopholes in the Real ID Act requirements, and resolved the loopholes in the Constitutional Alliance's solution. We worked with one of, if not the leading identity expert in our country.

During the last eighteen years there have been times when the Republicans controlled congress and occupied the White House. There has also been times when the Democrats controlled congress and occupied the White House. The point the Constitutional Alliance makes is: both the Republicans and Democrats have failed our country and their oath of office. When people are upset about the number of people unlawfully in our country, the cost of education, the cost of healthcare, the lack of voter integrity, welfare fraud and/or COVID fraud, people in our country unlawfully using authentic drivers' licenses to facilitate distributing drugs such as Fentanyl, and God forbid any other attack on our country by foreign extremists groups, think about what is in this post -


Democrats and Republicans are equally culpable for this not happening already!

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