Incorrect beliefs about Biometrics does have Consequences

Information is power and power is control. Currently, it is the government and corporations who are collecting our biometrics and PII (Personal Identifiable Information). No wonder "We the People" are not in control.

This article provides the factual biometrics information that will allow you to take your power back.

Whether speaking about the growing surveillance state, or scripture, one must acknowledge that

with knowledge comes responsibility.

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Senior DHS (Department of Homeland Security) official Robert Mocny, then acting program manager for the U.S. Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology program, conveyed a plan to extend "biometric data sharing to Asian and European governments and corporations." in a 2007 interview. 

Read this original news by clicking here

The Federal Register gives notice that the DHS is exempting themselves from the Privacy Act of 1974

When you hear people in government speak about privacy, they know they are deceiving you. They know you are not reading the Federal Register everyday. It is in the Federal Register where DHS gives notice that they are exempting themselves from the Privacy Act of 1974. A quick summation of the Act:

The government must have a legitimate need for the information collected,
they must tell you when and for what purpose the information is collected,
provide people with a way to correct inaccurate information, and
provide adequate safeguards to protect that information.

 Read the U.S. Government Answers about Your Privacy by clicking here

If you like you can use the search engine of your choice and search Department of Homeland Security exempts itself from the Privacy Act of 1974. There are too many results over years for me to list them all now, so we've chosen the one below.

Read Department of Homeland Security exempts itself from the Privacy Act of 1974 by clicking here

The Constitutional Alliance supports our Citizens in law enforcement

We do not want anyone to misunderstand how we feel about law enforcement. The Constitutional Alliance supports our men and women in law enforcement. As we often tell people, there are as many as 32 million traffic stops a year for traffic violations. We hear from the media about one or two dozen each year, and are supposed to believe all or most police are bad. We are not minimizing the significance of when people have their rights violated, we are simply providing some much needed context.

Read the Insurance Industry research about Law Enforcement by clicking here 

You are being enrolled into a Single Shared Biometrics PII Global System of Control

The Senior DHS official Robert Mocny statement, provided earlier, along with what you will read below should help Christians understand that they are being enrolled into a single global system that will control one's ability to

travel, and

Mark of the Beast? We think not. Global Biometrics PII Global System designed for Control? Absolutely.

Nobody has accepted the biblical Mark of the Beast as of the writing of this article. The Constitutional Alliance isn't claiming that biometric(s) is the Mark of the Beast; please reference the Christian Bible for clarity into the Mark of the Beast.

There are 3 components to actually have a true global system. We strongly object to those that have voiced a COVID vaccine or passport is accepting the Mark of the Beast. Many of these people have taken your money knowing they are not being honest with you. The Constitutional Alliance's position is taking the COVID vaccine is not a decision that should be made for people by government. Let's move on to the three necessary components of a global system of control.

3 Necessary Components of a Global Biometrics System of Control

1) International standards. We have such a standard here in the United States that is global in nature. The standard comes from the International Organization of Standardization, the ISO. It can be found on page 68, footnote 17, of the Notice of Proposed Rule Making for the Real ID Act of 2005, published in 2007; not surprisingly the same year as Senior DHS official Robert Mocny's statement above.

Read DHS's Notice of Proposed Rule Making for the Real ID Act of 2005 by clicking here  (scroll to bottom of page 68).

Read the ISO Standard on Real ID by clicking here 98% of the world's gross national income and 97% of the world's population live in countries that are members of this global organization, the ISO (International Organization for Standardization).

Download the ISO Membership Manual by clicking here

2) Enrollment. Whether speaking about the Real ID compliant drivers' licenses or drivers' licenses issued by States that are not Real ID complaint licenses, the standard for the high resolution digital facial image/photograph is the same for a Real ID compliant drivers' license, a non-Real ID compliant drivers' license, US Passport, military ID, and a valid state issued ID for those that do not drive are all ID documents that enroll you in the Global System of Control. There are other federally issued ID documents that also meet the same international standard.

Now, government and corporations are aiming to

retain, and

the biometrics of our children.

One final note on enrollment. There are international standards for all biometrics, not just the high resolution, digital facial image/photograph.

Read our School system's planned use of Child Biometrics by clicking here and

Read U.S. Government's Planned Use for Child Biometrics by clicking here and

Read ISO's use of Biometrics for Children by clicking here

3) An international telecommunication system. An international telecommunication system is already in place and being used. Interpol utilizes such a system. There are 195 countries that are Interpol members. On the Interpol web-site they acknowledge they are a global network of police.

Read the Interpol Membership List by clicking here

Surveillance - Modernized Passive Surveillance - Biometrics

How should we think of surveillance? The are two types of surveillance.

1) Electronic - Electronic surveillance includes wiretapping, bugging, videotaping, geolocation tracking, data mining, social media mapping, and the monitoring of data and traffic on the internet.

2) Fixed surveillance - Fixed surveillance includes covert surveillance of individuals in-person, also referred to as “stake-outs.”

There are additional surveillance tools including but not limited to ALPR (Automatic License Plate Reader). ALPR cameras can be placed on fixed objects like telephone poles or utility poles, and can also be placed on police vehicles. ALPR readers can scan thousands of license plates in less than a minute. It is possible for vehicles to be tracked by reviewing the video these readers/cameras collect and simply doing a computerized search of a specific license plate.

Read Cornell's Law School Report on Fixed Surveillance by clicking here and

Read about Automated License Plate Readers by clicking here

Geofencing by Law Enforcement requires tighter controls and oversight

Let's take a minute to discuss the use of what is called geofencing by law enforcement. Think of geofencing as an electronic fence rather than a physical fence. Some people, such as farmers and ranchers, whose property may be many acres may feel a need to protect their property; to them geofencing sounds like a potential option. Geofencing uses GPS (Global Positioning Satellite), RFID (radio frequency identification), Wi-Fi, cellular data, or combinations of all four technologies to determine the location of a device that is being tracked. Police apply for warrants that may or may not be constitutional. There are times when a bad actor might be caught because of the use of geo-fencing but far more often than not, innocent people get caught up in investigations. The Constitutional Alliance realizes there are times when law enforcement must be able to use geo-fencing. That said, the law has not caught up with the technology. There must be tighter controls and oversight. One major concern the Constitutional Alliance has is the boundaries where the geofencing is allowed to be used. The boundaries can be very limited such as few blocks in a city or town, or as large as many square miles. Companies use geofencing to know where customers are in their stores and also to know which parts of the store customers frequent the most often.

Read about Geofencing by clicking here and

Read Harvard Law's Review of Geofencing Warrants and 4th Amendment by clicking here

The best surveillance tool law enforcement has is your smartphone; the perfect Spy

Read about Smartphone Surveillance Techniques by clicking here 

Pegasus spyware can be installed remotely on your phone without you ever having to open a document or website link. Pegasus reveals all to those who control it — text messages, photos, emails, videos, contact lists — and can even record your phone calls. It can also secretly turn on a phone's microphone and cameras to create new recordings.

Read about Pegasus Spyware by clicking here

We are often asked about Digital ID and Mobile ID. They are not always one and the same. The Constitutional Alliance's Executive Director is an IT specialist who has worked for Fortune 50 and Fortune 500 companies. He has also taught IT (Information Technology) at the college level. We also reached out to a former senior analyst for one of our nation's most important security agencies. When asked for their position about how secure Digital ID, Blockchain, and other technologies are, the former senior analyst did not equivocate. The answer is these technologies are not secure; our Executive Director agrees. Also, consider the following information provided by the following link:

Read about U.S. Government Plans to Control Your Digital Identity by clicking here

The Big Lie: Biometrics Identify People - Biometrics Do Not Identify People

Now we will move on to what aggravates the Constitutional Alliance as much as anything. We repeatedly hear or read about biometrics identifying people. Biometrics do not identify people.

Let's Discuss the Biometrics of Facial Recognition to Learn Why Biometrics Fail to Identify

We will use your facial image and the use of facial recognition technology as an example. Distances are measured between key characteristics of your face. These distances can be between your lips, and parts of your nose, or ears, and other parts of your face. This is called facial mapping. An algorithm is applied to the distances which then results in a biometric template being created. Templates are then stored in databases. If law enforcement or someone else captures your digital facial image/photograph in real time or on video, the process of mapping your face takes place, then the algorithm is applied which again results in a biometric template. The template created from the real time or video facial image captured, is then compared to the templates already stored in a biometric database. We are not going to cover the many conditions that can result in false positives; the belief there is a match when there is not. Our point is comparing biometric templates does not result in people being identified. The comparison simply shows whether there is a match or not between biometric templates.

One Insanity is the desire to attach Newborn Baby DNA Biometrics to Birth Certificates

One of the most alarming facts we know about biometrics is there is a move afoot by some in law enforcement, government, and special interest entities to attach a newborn baby's DNA to the baby's birth certificate at or near birth. The Constitutional Alliance strongly opposes this egregious action in the strongest words possible. Those that support such a move will own the consequences. You can expect legislation within a couple of years. We have this information from the most reliable of sources. If required, we can provide the names of our sources, but we chose not to so that we can protect their privacy. The purpose of attaching the DNA to the birth certificate at or near birth is so biometrics will then be able to establish identity. DNA is a biometric.

Biometrics is the linchpin of the surveillance state. Law enforcement and others can find out who the registered owner of a car is, who owns a home, whose name a cell phone account is in, but only biometrics can reveal who is driving the car, entering the home, and who is speaking on the phone. This is the reason some want DNA attached to the birth certificate. There are those that want biometrics to be the small "s" savior; these people want to be all powerful, all knowing, and present everywhere. People wanting to play being God is not only blasphemous, but also destroys our rights.

Most people assume the law is followed and the birth certificate is verified - it is not

One of our members spent many years speaking to some of the leading identity experts in our country. This member and another member of the Constitutional Alliance, developed a solution for making sure a person is who they say they are, and verifying citizenship. When you go to the agency or department in your state that oversees the issuance of drivers' licenses you, in most cases, provide your certified birth certificate to prove you are who you say you are, and to establish your citizenship. The law requires before you are issued a drivers' license, that the acceptable document you provide to establish identity must contain your full name at birth and that date of birth must be verified. The law also requires under SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS, documentation must be submitted that establishes the citizenship of the individual. Most people assume the law is followed and the birth certificate is verified. The law is not being followed and birth certificates are not being verified. The solution we developed working with the leading identity experts and has been vetted by attorneys.

Read the Real ID Act of 2005 by clicking here

the Program Director emphatically stated biometrics were NOT needed

We asked the Program Manager at the time for an entity responsible for assisting states in digitizing birth certificates and death certificates to testify in person, in one state, and provide written testimony in another state. This person not only testified the Constitutional Alliance solution was doable, but could be done for less than $10 million and implemented within a year. We have that testimony. More importantly, the Program Director emphatically stated biometrics were NOT needed! Some have mischaracterized our solution by suggesting our solution calls for a national, centralized database of birth certificates. This is absolutely false. States under our solution will still continue to control all birth certificates and death certificates that originate in their respective states. It is the states that will be maintaining and controlling their own databases. States will query the databases of other states to verify birth certificates and death certificates.  

Constitutional Alliance Solution will yield solid Count of Legal and Illegal People in the United States

Our country has spent as much as tens of billions of dollars on the Real ID Act 2005. The legislation was signed into law eighteen years ago, and we are still not verifying birth certificates. The solution we developed will allow for the first time our country to know how many people are in our country lawfully, and how many are in our country unlawfully. The cost of healthcare and education are higher because of the number of people in the U.S. unlawfully. There are roughly 200 Fentanyl overdoses a day in our country. Our solution would help to reduce this number. We cannot have voter integrity until we implement our solution. When people tell you we have secure elections, you should ask how that is so if we are not verifying birth certificates as required by law before issuing drivers' licenses. If we want to reduce COVID fraud and other types of fraud, as well as reduce our deficits and national debt, we must adopt the solution we have spent years developing. There is also the serious issue of national security. Our Counter-Terrorism experts know the value of knowing the number of people in our country illegally who intend to do harm to our citizens, being able to fraudulently obtain authentic Real ID compliant drivers' license.

Constitutional Alliance Solution will reduce the rampant Fentanyl Access in the United States

Just this year, much of what we warned the country about for nearly eighteen years has again proven to be true, but now in a much bigger way. Real ID has been proven to have loopholes that allowed for people in our country illegally to fraudulently obtain authentic Real ID compliant drivers' licenses. It is publicly documented than many of these people were Chinese. We are only raising the issue of people being Chinese because much of the Fentanyl in our country originates in China. It does not take any imagination to realize it is much easier for Fentanyl to be distributed across our country by people having an authentic Real ID license rather than no license or a counterfeit drivers' license.

Constitutional Alliance Solution will reduce the persistent fraud by Coyotes, Smugglers, and Drug Cartels in the United States

We know thousands of people in our country illegally were and are able to fraudulently obtain Real ID authentic drivers' licenses despite those that oversee the issuance of drivers' licenses in an unknown number of states, having the biometrics of these people. We are not talking about just a few states. We have no way of knowing just how massive this fraud was and is because birth certificates are not being verified. Based on our own research and knowing the coyotes, people smugglers who help people enter our country illegally, work with and for the drug cartels, we believe the numbers will be six digits or higher. We want to make sure you understand thousands of these people unlawfully in our country stole the identities of citizens such as yourself. As we have said for many years, biometrics do not identity people.

People differ in their belief of how many people are in our country illegally. Some believe the number is as low as 11 million. Others believe the number is a high as 32 million. We ask you to think about the budget you make each month. Balancing  your checkbook requires you know how much money you have, how much money you have coming in each month, and how much money you must pay going out each month. If you apply this kind of thinking to knowing how many people are illegally in our country, one must know how many people are illegally in our country before one can deal with the issue of immigration. The only way to know how many people are in our country illegally is to verify birth certificates, as the current law dictates.

Read about Texas Giving out over 3,000 Drivers' Licenses to Organized Crime by clicking here and

Read Affidavit about Texas sending Drivers' Licenses to Organized Fraudsters by clicking here and

Read Ohio Warning about Sophisticated Identity Theft Scheme by clicking here

We are seeking to support Candidates who will use the Constitutional Alliance Solution Wisely

The Constitutional Alliance is looking for a candidate we can support who will use the solution we developed wisely. We are not going to provide our solution to any candidate that is vindictive or mean spirited. Too many candidates and organizations focus on the problems but do not offer solutions. The Constitutional Alliance does not take a position on immigration policy other than to say elections have consequences, and thus it will be elected leaders and the voters that decide immigration policy going forward.

A very important note about our solution. Our solution will also lower the cost of health care and education. In addition, it will reduce all types of fraud, including COVID fraud. It will provide the voting integrity everybody is looking for. Finally, it will reduce our deficit each year and our national debt.

We know there will be questions asking why we are not supporting such and such candidate. The question that should be asked must be asked by listeners of the candidate they support. Ask the candidate why their state has not been verifying birth certificates as the law has required for 18 years? Listeners should be demanding their candidates reach out to the Constitutional Alliance for our solution, by using the contact button on our website. 

We will say, the candidate who does have our solution stands an excellent chance of getting elected because our solution addresses so many of the most important challenges our country faces. The Constitutional Alliance does not provide platitudes, just problems, or play the blame game: Solutions are wanted, needed and provided by the Constitutional Alliance.

To Christians, we ask the question of how the Gospel will be shared with the whole world at a time when all nations hate Christians, and a system of global control is put in place? We have explained what is the precursor to the Mark of the Beast: The global system of identification that controls your ability to buy, sell, travel, and work. There is action that must be taken now but that is for another article. For those here when the Antichrist is revealed, Christians have a responsibility to warn these people about the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast. Yes, we are confident RFID will be a component of the Mark of the Beast. The RFID chip or tattoo will contain among other information, the biometrics of the individual. Biometrics will be required otherwise chips could be replaced with the chips or tattoos belonging to other people. For information sake, there are RFID tattoos that are available as visible or invisible depending on the ink used for the tattoo. You can go to the Constitutional Alliance's website and enter the words "SOMARK tattoo" in our search engine to learn more. One other point for you to think about; biometrics literally mean in every language, when broken down to "Bio" and "Metrics", the measurements of man, or because we know measurements are numbers, the number of man. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it best, "Silence is the face of evil and is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act."

Read Matthew 10:22 by clicking here and

Read Mark 16:15 by clicking here and

Read about the biblical Mark of the Beast by clicking here

Do not forget with knowledge comes responsibility

We have documented each point made in this article. It is now incumbent upon you, the much better informed reader, to share what you have learned with others. Use social networking platforms and email. Spread the word. We had a person who has supported the Constitutional Alliance for many years ask us why we always ask people to share what we provide. We asked the person if they send out emails and/or post on social networking platforms about matters related to protecting our rights or challenges our country is facing? The person answered "Of course." We then asked if the person tells people about politicians they do not like and why others should not like that politician, or why they should support another candidate? The person responded "Yes." Finally, we asked the person do you defend what you believe and offer solutions to problems that can be implemented? The person hesitated and then responded honestly, "No." We then said, that is why people should share what information they get from the Constitutional Alliance.

The Constitutional Alliance

God Bless these United States of America

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