Digital Prison Opens for Business Soon

Elections are no longer about Political Party

Democrat | Republican | Socialist |
Libertarian | . . .

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: 

God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.

― Dietrich Bonhoeffer


Digital Prison Opens for Business Soon


While all pundits from across the political spectrum are expressing their opinions about the 2022 midterm elections in a pompous and dogmatic way, one’s context of allegiance as being, for or against, a particular political candidate’s party dogma seems exhausting and off-target. The Constitutional Alliance warns you: do not be deceived as there are many willing to deceive us.


The Constitutional Alliance is saying loudly today that our First Amendment rights must be upheld and defended vigorously. Everyone must demand that our elected leaders and bureaucrats defend our First Amendment rights with fervor and vigor.


We will explain why your First Amendment rights are essential to protecting all your rights. We will explain what you can do personally to protect your all of your rights. We will explain why your biometrics are the linchpin of the ever-growing surveillance state.


Be not deceived, for every United States Citizen was provided inalienable rights. These are rights applicable solely to United States Citizens, not privileges and not available to non-Citizens of the United States. Be not scared, nor terrified, into surrendering inalienable rights for privileges devised and controlled by others under the false pretense that this may be best for you. Be not deceived that these inalienable rights, even if exchanged for privilege, would ever be applicable to non-Citizens of the United States. This is not gray law to be argued by misguided deceivers. It is black and white and forever documented by the Founding Fathers of this great nation, the United States of America.


Your biometrics, your digital facial image (photograph), fingerprints, iris image, voice pattern, hand veins, earlobes, and even your DNA are yours and unique to you. One must protect your biometrics or one may as well kiss one’s rights goodbye. Most of us would not take the keys to our house, make copies, and throw them all over our front yard. Yet, that is what governments and corporations are telling us that we must do when it comes to our personal biometrics! 


Unlike keys and/or locks, one cannot go out and get new DNA, fingerprints, and so on. 


Going back decades our First Amendment rights have been under attack and are being infringed upon every single day across our country. Every president and administration have failed the constitutionality litmus test. Congress, and the Supreme Court, have been equally as culpable as any president in eroding our First Amendment rights. Before going forward, we want you to read the First Amendment.


First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."


Federal Investigation into the Largest Biometric Company within the United States


Two decades ago, one of our founding members was a whistle blower in a federal investigation involving, at the time, the largest biometric company in the United States. Eighteen years ago, one of our members was named "Source 1" in a lawsuit against that same biometric company. 


The Constitutional Alliance is a leading group in opposition to the Real ID Act 2005. The Real ID Act mandates biometric enrollment for all people. One in possession of a Real ID one can enter federal buildings and fly on commercial airlines. It has been left open, by the Real ID Act of 2005, to expand upon the restrictions of when a Real ID shall be required. Further, unbeknownst to most, the power to add those added restrictions has been assigned to the then Director of Homeland Security. 


Our members have testified all over the country in opposition to the Real ID Act 2005. We have a member that has appeared on all three of the largest Christian television networks in the country. We have a member who has sued a state to protect their First and Fourth Amendments rights. We have a member who has been employed as an Information Technology expert for Fortune 50 and Fortune 500 companies. He was an insider to the data mining list compilation industry and has formulated and presents his plan on how to restore one’s privacy. This member has also taught as a college professor and been Director of the School of Information Technology. The credentials of the Constitutional Alliance team allows us to speak about biometrics, information technology, and privacy. 


Attorneys, lobbyists, and employees for biometric companies have all found their way into the administration of presidents, both Republican and Democratic, going back to the time when the Constitutional Alliance was formed. As a result of this unholy alliance between elected leaders at all levels of government and biometric companies one is being watched either physically or electronically or both. If one has a home surveillance system or uses smart devices inside their home, one is also subject to government/corporate surveillance. 


One’s smartphone is one of the best surveillance tools governments and corporations have. 


Strongly encourage all people to oppose Digital ID. Digital ID is not secure! The following article explains:


Reference –
Paving a Digital Road to Hell 


There are quotes that only the Constitutional Alliance has repeatedly provided our readers: 


1) Robert Mocny, senior Department of Homeland Security Official, said “The Global Security Envelope of biometric data sharing should develop slowly but information sharing is appropriate around the world.” Mocny also sketched a federal plan to extend biometric data sharing to Asian and European governments and corporations, so as to create a Global Security Envelope of identity management.


2) Julian Ashbourn, Chairman of the International Biometric Association, said in 2005 (the same year the Real ID Act 2005 became a federal law) “What information do governments share? With whom my data is shared and why?” are questions according to Ashbourn that need to be answered by an agency with
global powers.


The standards for collecting and sharing your biometrics are the same all over the world. The same standard for collecting your facial image biometric, your fingerprints, and other biometrics are identical whether you are in Paris, France or Paris, Texas. 


In the United States, Apple is the primary provider working with states for Digital ID. Apple is another example of the unholy alliance between corporations and government. Apple does not want the responsibility for verifying your ID. Why is that? It is because your biometrics do not identify you. What identifies you are primary and secondary identification documents referred to as breeder documents. An example of a primary form of identification is your birth certificate. An example of a secondary form of identification is your social security card.


Reference – Apple Shows it’s Internal Control Freak to States Implementing Digital IDs 


Take a moment and think about what we are saying. Biometrics do not establish identity. Why is it then that state and federal government agencies and departments want your biometrics? They do not care if you are who you say you are. If states really cared if you are who you say you are they would verify your birth certificate. By verifying your birth certificate states and the federal government would not only know you are who you say you are, they would know your date of birth, and in almost every case, know if you are a citizen of the United States.  


For example, Bob Smith can walk into a DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), provide a fraudulent birth certificate and a social security card that may belong to a person in a nursing home, and get a drivers’ license in that other person’s name. Many thousands, if not tens of thousands, of authentic drivers’ licenses have been issued to people using fraudulent or counterfeit breeder documents. Law enforcement knows we are not verifying birth certificates even though there is a telecommunication system in place that states can use to verify birth certificates. Nobody really cares if you are who you say you are, or for that matter if you are a citizen of the United States. 


Only the Constitutional Alliance arranged for the Program Director of EVVE (Electronic Verification of Vital Events) to testify before a state legislature. The Program Director stated in his testimony what we are telling you now. When people tell you that they know there were no people in our country illegally that voted in our last election, or for that matter in upcoming elections it simply is not true. Without verifying birth certificates, the citizenship of a person cannot be established. It does not matter what your political party affiliation is, you should care that government cannot tell you for a fact if a person is a citizen or not, or if you are who you say you are. 


The Program Director for EVVE told the committee/working group he testified before that EVVE can establish your identify even if your birth certificate was destroyed; including if the state you live in does not have an original copy of your birth certificate. He went on and unequivocally stated that biometrics are not needed to confirm identity or to know if a person has more than one drivers’ license in his or her own name in multiple states or even in the state the person is living in. Did you know that now law enforcement wants your DNA collected and attached to your birth certificate at birth? This is what the Constitutional Alliance was told by the Program Director of EVVE. 


The Constitutional Alliance warned everyone that their biometrics were and are being collected by the agency or department that issues drivers’ licenses in your state for one reason and that reason is to be able to get around the need for a warrant to collect your biometrics. By retaining your facial biometric and in some states also your fingerprints, law enforcement at the state and federal level has a repository of citizen’s biometrics avoiding the need for a warrant. The Drivers Privacy Protection Act of 1994 allows for but does not require states to share biometrics with the federal government without the need for a warrant. 


The nuts and bolts of what is going on in our country is that law enforcement, our intelligence community, and corporations want to know everything about you, regardless of whether they have your knowledge or consent. As one senior government official stated, “Privacy can no longer mean anonymity.” 


Reference – Privacy News 


What does it mean to you that you no longer have anonymity? It means wherever you go, whoever you are with, whatever you are doing, wherever you are coming from or going to, and whatever mode of transportation you are using can all be revealed to government and corporations using facial recognition technology. Your digital facial image is stored in your DMV database. Private companies have been collecting your digital facial image for years. If you think your state does not provide the federal government with your biometrics, even if you are right, part of the unholy alliance between government and corporations allows for the federal government to get your biometrics from private companies.


Reference – Clearview Privacy Facial Recognition 


Your anonymity is what allows for one to protest or support a cause or candidate without being added to some government watch list. For those who may think we are blowing things out of proportion, consider this: in 2012, supporters of Ron Paul that attended the GOP convention were subjected to facial recognition technology.


Reference – Undercover Cops Secretly use Smartphones – Facial Recognition to Spy on Crowds


It is not our intention to take you down the rabbit hole of exploring all the government watch lists that exist at the state and federal level. Suffice it to say that you are not going to find out about all these watch lists because state level Department of Homeland Security departments are, in most cases, exempt from privacy laws and/or FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests. How is this so? Simply by the department publicly stating they are exempt. The same is true of the federal law enforcement and agencies and departments. In many cases they have exempted themselves from complying with the Privacy Act of 1974.


Reference – DHS Exempts Expanded Insider Threat Program “Key Privacy Act Provisions”


If one’s first concern is their 2nd Amendment rights, or their 4th, 5th, or any other Amendment rights, you must be able to voice your concerns without fear or intimidation. That can only happen if their First Amendment rights are honored and protected. Otherwise, one will be a person on a watch list not knowing how being on that watch list will affect one going forward. 


Are you willing to give up your right to seek redress of your grievances? 


Are you willing to give up your right to free speech? 


Are you willing to give up your right to peacefully assemble? 


Reference – The Chilling Effect of Domestic Spying 


Lesson learned, there are those who will take what they want in terms of other’s rights. 


There is no federal law that protects one from being identified using passive technology such as facial recognition technology, when you are in public; even when the group one is with has a permit to legally protest? One is not really identified by name, but one is identified in such a way, to determine if their facial image is a match to facial images in a myriad of databases; some of which you know nothing about. 


What can one do to protect their First Amendment rights? 


1) Ask every candidate you support if they will support a ban on the use of facial recognition technology without the knowledge and consent of those that are subjected to the cameras, or a warrant signed by a judge. If the candidate refuses to support such a ban then find another candidate to support. We are NOT asking people to support one political party or another – that is your business. 


2) Ask every candidate if they will support the need to verify birth certificates. Again, if they refuse find another candidate to support.


3) If you have legislation in your state that protects your First Amendment rights, support the legislation regardless of which party the author is affiliated with. 


4) Once you become aware of a lawsuit filed in your state or at the federal level to protect against mandatory biometric enrollment, support the plaintiff in that lawsuit. Even if the lawsuit is filed in another state, support the plaintiff because that lawsuit may be a blueprint for what can be done in the state you live in. 


5) Regardless of whether you are a person of faith or not, support a person’s 1st Amendment constitutionally protected right to practice their sincerely held religious beliefs. The Constitutional Alliance is the only organization to have the ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) and the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) come together on the same stage at the same time with the Constitutional Alliance at the National Press Club. Both organizations gave their reasons for opposing the Real ID Act 2005. You may not expect it, but the ACLU specifically addressed a Christian’s right not to be enrolled into a global system of identification that links your ability to buy, sell, travel, and work to your biometrics. The ACLJ specifically addressed the fact that Real ID is about global enrollment and subject to international standards that facilitate global information sharing. At the invitation of the Constitutional Alliance, state legislators, and advocacy groups from different states also attended and spoke at the National Press Club event.


Reference – Real ID Exposed at National Press Club


6) Support a lawsuit that allows a person to have a Valid without Photo ID. Multiple states offer such ID’s now. It is the only way to keep your own digital facial image used for facial recognition out of state databases and federal databases. Such a lawsuit would require states and the vendor delete any existing digital facial images of you. The exception would be for people convicted of crimes. If you are concerned about people having Valid w/o Photo ID’s, there are ways to make sure only the person the ID belongs to is using the ID. 


7) The Constitutional Alliance is asking for your financial support of the Constitutional Alliance so we can do what is needed going forward to protect everyone’s rights. Learn how to donate by clicking here


8) Please share this article with everyone you are in contact with and ask them to do the same. 

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