DHS to Build W3C Standards into Digital Wallets

DHS S&T earmarks $1.7M to build W3C standards into digital wallets

The DHS (Department of Homeland Security) is taking control of digital devices and enhancing surveillance capabilities using W3C standards in digital wallets.


The Real ID Act 2005 was the "original sin" in taking control of state issued physical drivers' licenses. Congress should, and the people must, understand that DHS is taking more control of our personal information including our biometrics. We should never forget, "Information is Power and Power is Control."

We should also never forget that biometrics do not identify people. We must not accept government initiatives that supposedly make life more convenient. We must never let government play into our fears.

Only the Constitutional Alliance has a viable solution signed off by attorneys and identity experts. A solution that protects our rights. A solution that makes sure a person is who they say they are and verifies citizenship.

The Constitutional Alliance has provided irrefutable evidence that tens of thousands of people in the United States unlawfully have been fraudulently issued authentic Real ID drivers' licenses. This documentation easily can allow people to vote, claim entitlements, commit welfare fraud and other fraud such as COVID fraud, fraudulently use our healthcare and education system raising cost, and facilitate the distribution of illegal drugs in general; and specifically Fentanyl.

Just a few months ago the Constitutional Alliance provided an article published by Government Computer News documenting a Chinese criminal gang was able to bring thousands of Chinese unlawfully into our country across our Southern border, and these people were able to fraudulently obtain authentic Real ID licenses.

If you are concerned about our deficit and our national debt, know that preventing almost all fraud would reduce both our deficits and national debt. Few members of Congress have ever cared more about wasteful spending and fraud than former Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn. Then Senator Coburn and his Chief of Staff Michael Schwartz worked with us for years, and opened up many doors for the Constitutional Alliance, including but not limited to others in the senate and house, committee counsels, and staff members. The Constitutional Alliance has been to one end of our country to the other. The Alliance has provided testimony before many state legislatures.

Candidate after candidate, both Republicans and Democrats tell us they will secure our borders. The Constitutional Alliance has documented why neither party has an interest in securing our borders. Not one candidate has provided a plan that outlines how they propose we deal with the tens of millions of people in the United States illegally.

The Constitutional Alliance has been clear about not suggesting what immigration policy should be. The Constitutional Alliance believes those we elect should decide immigration policy. Voters must demand candidates give details of their own plans. Demand that candidates tell you how they will verify identity and citizenship. Again, only the Constitutional Alliance has the solution. The Constitutional Alliance continues to look for a candidate the Constitutional Alliance can work with and support. 

As stated above, there are many reasons to verify citizenship. None is more important than preventing another foreign born extremist attack on our country. We are not as strong economically as we were on 9/11/2001. An attack on our country now will send us into a deep recession or perhaps worse.

With knowledge comes responsibility.

You now have the knowledge and the responsibility.

The Constitutional Alliance is deeply appreciative of those who have continued through the years to support the Constitutional Alliance's work.

The Constitutional Alliance appreciates those who have supported the Constitutional Alliance financially.

The Constitutional Alliance also deeply thanks those who share our articles with everyone they know.


It really is not complicated: Citizens are either part of the problem or part of the solution.

Only the Constitutional Alliance has the solution that makes sure a person is who they say they are and.

Only the Constitutional Alliance has the solution that accurately verifies a person’s citizenship.

The law requires that those who oversee the issuance of state drivers' licenses verify identity and citizenship before drivers' licenses are issued.

However no State or Commonwealth is adhering to the law.

Not one candidate addresses the issues in this article because not one candidate has the solution.

The Constitutional Alliance has expressed our willingness to meet with candidates. Candidates who have the ability to complete their campaign and win the election with the added embrace of our solution. We are working with meeting a number of such candidates as this article gets published. We will continue to do so. You can help if you personally know candidates, or you know people who personally know candidates, with whom you can put us in touch with. Don’t fret over that candidate’s ability to complete their campaign; the Constitutional Alliance can vet them with insiders who can shed quality light on the matter.

God Bless these United States of America

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