Candidate Sought

The Constitutional Alliance is searching for a political candidate who we believe can get our solution to "knowing a person is who they say they are" and other challenges that our country faces implemented. The candidate must be unlike others that tell people what they want to hear.  We have never and will never simply parrot what people want us to say. Below you will find that we are saying Trump will be the kingmaker, but not the republican party nominee for president.
 Our record of doing what people thought was not doable stands alone: 
  • We got the ACLJ and the ACLU to come together on the same stage, at the same time, to oppose the same legislation.
  • We were told we could never have one on one meetings with the Chief and Deputy counsels for the house Homeland Security Committee, yet we did.
  • We were told we would not be able to show massive fraud by the largest biometric company at the time in the United States, yet we can. This company's own employees told us of the fraud, we were able then and are able now to prove the fraud took place.
  • We were told we would not get a one on one meeting with the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, yet we did.
  • We were told we were wrong when we said a French company, approved by the Obama administration to do business in the United States, had made a secret deal to use a Russian company's biometric algorithm. Not only did we we prove we were right, we got a person to come from Russia and another from France to the United States and testify about the deal the Russian company and the French company made. The person we got to come from Russia was the then president of the French company's Russian subsidiary. Note: The significance here are the legal issues with this deal; probably why they tried to hide the deal.
  • A Pulitzer Prize winning journalist wrote a story based on information we provided the journalist.
  • Only the Constitutional Alliance worked with the leading identity expert in the country to show biometrics were not only not needed, but do not prove identity.
Only the Constitutional Alliance has the solution to proving a person is who they say they are without biometrics.
 We have members that have talked with Trump and DeSantis. We would like to speak directly with Robert Kennedy Jr.. Are you a person or group that can make this happen? If so, contact us by clicking here.
If you know of a true conservative that is running for the senate or the presidency that is not an incumbent let us know if you can arrange a meeting.
Before there was a Tea Party, Freedom Works reached out to us and asked that we show their members in Pennsylvania, and other states, how the legislative process works. We have the receipts.
We are quickly forming the belief that regardless of who we elect, things get worse, not better. Part of this belief is based on two facts. We elect incumbents nearly 90% of the time and there are no term limits for members of congress. We find it disingenuous for members of congress to scream abuse by agencies and departments of the federal government, when it is congress who is tasked with oversight. If congress was actually interested in performing oversight instead of scoring political points there would not be the abuses that we see year in and year out. Here is one such example:
There have been times when each party had control of the presidency and congress. Both republicans and democrats have said they favor Section 702 reform yet that has not been what is needed. Congress should not blame the FBI because congress has been aware of the need for Section 702 reform for over a decade.
The Supreme Court's indiscretions must be dealt with regardless of party affiliation. It has become apparent that certain Justices have been using their position to financially benefit themselves. Then again, members of congress somehow believe they are immune from insider trading laws that apply to everyone else. Biden's son, the Clintons, Trump, Trump's cabinet members all took us for a ride.
It is time to elect new people.
We are also tired of republicans and democrats both blaming the other for our national debt. The fact is Obama raised the national debt more than any president and even Trump was a close second. Both can make a case that the situation dictated raising the debt. With Obama it was the 2008 recession caused by banks and other financial institutions and Trump can argue it was COVID. Both are false arguments:
Also, it is hypocritical for republicans to talk about the democrats spending money we do not have when it was the republicans that spent two trillion on tax cuts that were not paid for. The democrats did little to slow down entitlement growth. Our country must cut spending. Also, Trump said he would get rid of the carry interest loophole and give the middle class a 10% tax cut, neither of which happened. We need new blood - new leaders for both parties. Biden says the Southern border is secure. We say the Southern border is secured by drug cartels. Two hundred people a day, most 18-49, are dying from Fentanyl overdoses. Most Fentanyl is coming into our country across the Southern border.
The fact is experts say 25% or more funding on TARP (Obama) and COVID (Trump) was wasted. The actual amount was closer to 50%. The Constitutional Alliance will only support a person for president that is actually going to walk the walk. Trump did not build nearly the amount of wall he claims and Biden has done nothing to deal with illegal immigration.
It is shameful that we are facing another crisis over the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling must be raised. It is about paying for what we have already said we are going to spend. The legislation for that spending has already been passed and signed into law. Deal with budgetary matters in the the budget. Take back unspent COVID money and move on. Veteran's pensions and those on Social Security should not be pawns. The full faith and credit of the United States is at risk. If anyone thinks interest rates are high now, just wait and see what happens if we do not raise the debt ceiling within a couple of weeks. Our national credit rating will be lowered and there will be more talk about replacing the dollar as the world's currency. Millions of U.S. jobs will be lost.
The Constitutional Alliance is already on record saying that we do not believe either Trump or Biden will be on the ballot in 2024 despite both saying they are running. Trump will be additionally indicted in Georgia and by the DOJ. Biden will drop out when Trump does. We will be reaching out to a candidate with our solution for knowing a person is who they say they are, dealing with immigration, rising healthcare costs, rising education costs, voter integrity, the deficit, and the Fentanyl problem when we find a candidate who can carry our solution to the voters.
We remind people that we correctly called the 2018, 2020, and 2022 elections.
We said the democrats would hold the senate and possibly pick up a seat, and the republicans would most likely take the house with a 5 seat or less majority that would be a double-edged sword because there would be no leadership by McCarthy.
 We remain steadfast in calling the democratic party the party of big government, and the republican party the party of big brother.
The growing surveillance state must be stopped.
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