Bad Actors are Coming After You with Digital ID

Wake Up because the Bad Actors are Coming After You using Digital ID and Mobile ID

People will pay the price for not listening! My 5 STAR Alert will be issued this weekend, first privately, and then a redacted form publicly. Before that 5 STAR Alert is issued, I want to address Digital ID and Mobile ID insecurity.

Digital ID and Mobile ID devices are not only the best surveillance tool that government and corporations have, but they are also a way to cut us off from our ability to survive; eat, work, travel, engage family and friends, pay bills, and much more.

Digital ID and Mobile ID is NOT secure

Digital ID or as some call it, Mobile ID, is NOT secure. Did you really think bad actors would see Digital ID (includes computers) and/or Mobile ID as anything but a goldmine? Some people who are utilizing Digital ID and Mobile ID because they prefer the convenience of interacting online rather than in person. Further, it lowers prices for doing business (often government and corporations give a discount for doing business online), and some are doing so because of government or corporations mandates.

Bad actors do not care what your reasons are for using Digital ID and Mobile ID, but they do want to thank you

Today, one of the major players in the lies and deceit of the biometric sector, one who is promoting Digital ID, is a person who participated in the fraud the biometric sector committed going back to pre-2000.

Secret deal, detrimental to U.S. Citizens, uncovered by us

Before you dismiss this post, or delegate it to the trash heap of history, keep in mind:

The whole country thought I was crazy when I said a French company, duringĀ  the Obama administration, was allowed to do business in the United States (CFIUS - Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States), in spite of a secret deal with a Russian biometric company. That deal was to use the Russian company's algorithm for fingerprinting biometric templates.

Pulitzer Prize winning Journalist verifies validity of my claim

I was proven 100% correct when it was arranged to secretly bring the President of the French company's Russian subsidiary to the United States to testify behind closed doors. This insider was not the only person who came from overseas to testify. BuzzFeed had a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist work with me to verify everything I said. BuzzFeed published their story December 26, 2017. I wrote an article for the Constitutional Alliance's web-site four months earlier (updated once BuzzFeed article was published). One more article, worth reading, is "Safer than we were before 9/11"?

Source 1 unveiled

I have devoted over 20 years of my life to opposing mandatory biometric enrollment. All Glory Belongs to God. Last year I wrote a 26 page letter to people who have contributed in every way possible to opening up doors for me, and giving me what was needed to do what I have done. The letter was titled "Love and gratitude." First, I was "Source 1" in a federal lawsuit. I stood nothing to gain, but I was willing to risk my life and the lives of my family to talk about the corruption in the biometric sector and government.

Federal Whistleblower

Next, I was a federal whistleblower in a two year investigation, detailing what attorneys called a "massive" amount of civil and/or criminal wrongdoing. Finally, when the Real ID Act 2005 was enacted, I immediately informed the media, the public, and elected leaders about the hidden (Page 68, footnote 17, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Real ID Act 2005) biometric requirement.

I went on to participate in coalitions as the spokesperson for the Stop Real ID Act Coalition and the Constitutional Alliance. There was the convincing of dozens of advocacy groups that the high resolution, digital facial image/photograph required by the Real ID Act 2005 was a biometric specifically for use with Facial Recognition Technology. Advocacy groups needed to be educated about what is a biometric sample, biometric data, and a biometric template. Also, the groups/organizations needed to know BIOMETRICS DO NOT IDENTIFY ANYONE.

Digital ID. If not biometrics, then how do we know you are who you say you are?

Federal law and many states' laws correctly require breeder documents, such as birth certificates or other documents, which do identify people and determine citizenship. Those laws require those documents to be verified. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING TODAY! You should be asking why, since we have the capability, and the cost is inexpensive, that verification is NOT happening. Additionally, there is no need for the sharing of our PII, Personal Identifiable Information (includes our biometrics), and no need for of new databases.

Biometric insiders stated they knew the technology did not work

When I said, I had and have the evidence, the evidence came directly from some of the most senior people in the biometric sector. In their words, testing was "rigged" and "bogus." They said they knew the technology did not work!!! There are some who insist on addressing biometrics because women of all races and people of color are most often the victims of false positives. While this is true, olive skin Caucasians are also misidentified. Fair skin Caucasians are also misidentified in "1: Many Applications" vs 1:1 applications. Biometrics, the linchpin of the growing surveillance state, is an issue all freedom loving people should agree about.

We bet you are not hearing about the multitude of Facial Recognition failures

The Federal Trade Commission recently ordered Rite Aid pharmacies to stop using Facial Recognition Technology. You do not hear about all the cases of Facial Recognition Technology wrongly identifying people because of lawsuits, settlements, and non-disclosure agreements.

What happens to whistleblowers with substantial evidence?

The people came after me from within the biometric sector and government. They attacked my credibility and much worse. I have an email from the president of the biometric company which I testified about; the email reads "It is unconscionable the way the company used and manipulated you." This person went on to become the Chairman of the Board of another biometric company.

I support our brave men and women in law enforcement and our intelligence community. I have no issue with biometrics being used provided there is transparency, honesty, and no mandatory requirement for citizens in our country, or for that matter, citizens in other countries. There are tens of millions of encounters each year between law enforcement and citizens, and yet the media wants you to focus on a couple of dozen, where yes, allegedly power was abused, and in some cases it has been proven. We should be thanking God for the men and women who risk so much everyday when they put on their uniforms, not knowing if they will return home.

This is a Team effort

I spent years putting together a team including the leading identity expert in our country who says biometrics are not needed, a PHD MIT graduate in a number of science related fields who says biometrics should not be used and specifically addresses Artificial Intelligence and biometrics, and myself - who knows the laws, people in the biometric sector, the technology, and the religious aspects of the use of biometrics. We will be adding one more member(s) to our team.

It was not my purpose to address Digital ID and Mobile ID or related matters today when I woke up this morning. My 5 STAR ALERT will address how 2024 will be a year like none other our country has ever dealt with. People are focused on Trump and Biden. I will not get into private discussions I have had with leading democrats and republicans including former President Trump's attorneys and advisors. This Alert will include why people in government are forcing biometrics down your throat, and what will happen to our country this year! Elections have consequences - I have nothing against Trump, Biden, or other candidates. I reach out to all candidates because I want to see/know who will address the greatest threat to our national security.

100% accurate forecasts, this next one reveals names and more

Those of you who follow the Constitutional Alliance know I correctly forecasted the 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, and the 2023 elections this past November. Nobody is even considering what will happen in the 2024 election(s). The people behind, what too many are blaming on Trump and even Biden, will be named. Flash drives with all the evidence of corruption that is endangering our lives and our economy have already been sent out. Should anything happen to me, the evidence will be released. We are now $34 trillion in debt, not counting unfunded entitlements. We were roughly $1 trillion in debt in 2000. We are much more divided as a country than we were on 9/11/2001. An attack on our country today would send us into a tailspin that most people cannot imagine. We must prevent such an attack, yet we are NOT taking the necessary action towards prevention.

Real ID (Digital ID) flaws and current abuse creating real world dangers for you

I have repeatedly documented the thousands and thousands of people in our country who have successfully obtained, albeit fraudulently, authentic Real ID compliant drivers' licenses. It only takes a few people to commit an attack on our soil. Chinese criminals and drug cartels figured out what I warned people people about 18 years ago; Real ID is not secure and would allow people in our country illegally to obtain Real ID drivers' licenses! Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Ohio, and other states have all had cases they acknowledged, where people in our country illegally obtained authentic Real ID drivers' licenses! Texas alone, admitted to multiple thousands of such cases!

I do not involve myself, or the Constitutional Alliance, in the immigration debate. Immigration reform is an issue for voters and elected leaders. Personally, I would like to see UVisa applicants given a preference. Almost nobody is familiar with UVisa applicants. These are people in the U.S. from other countries who have been the victims of violent crimes. We need these people to testify so violent actors can be taken off our streets, or the violent actors will be left free to attack you or your family. Not all people from other countries are our enemies. Yes, there is a huge distinction between legal and illegal immigration.

Our borders must be secure. More of our Department of Defense spending must go to the Coast Guard. Yes, illegal immigration does raise the cost of heath care, education, welfare benefits, and raise our national debt. And yes, when people in the U.S. illegally are able to obtain Real ID compliant drivers' licenses, it facilitates the distribution of Fentanyl. However, the greatest threat is to our national security!!!

Time is short

I do not have long to go: My vapor is dissipating. In addition to several chronic diseases, I am now diagnosed with serious liver issues. There will be those who say I should have attacked Trump or Biden. My response is why not go back to other administrations who violated federal law? I found Trump's most senior people to be courteous, respectful, and knowledgeable. I would say the same about democrats I have spoke with. The issue raised in my 5 Star Red Alert is not a partisan issue. It is not an issue which depends on a person's race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, or sexual orientation. The issue impacts every one of us!!!

Proof Digital ID and Mobile ID as a whole are not secure:

Oh, and yes, I also have an email from a former senior NSA analyst who also says Digital ID and Mobile ID is not secure. Stay tuned for the 5 Star Red Alert!


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