Are We Cowards? Are we more concerned with things of this world rather than being obedient to God?

This essay today is being written with urgency because of my health and the seriousness of the threat the church faces today from a government that is turning its back on God.  With knowledge comes responsibility.  If I can take the time away from my family and focusing on my own health, I am asking you to take the time to read this entire essay.  I am going to address recent court rulings and the state of the church today.  There is a threat to the church that many people are unaware of.  For those that have followed what I have been writing for over ten years your accustomed to me providing multiple links that document everything I say or write.  I am not doing that in this essay.  I will refer to two other documents in this essay.  Each of these other documents have plenty of links; over two hundred combined.  In this essay you will learn about what is arguably the greatest threat to the church today and our ability to meet one of our primary responsibilities; preach the Gospel to the whole world.  It is my hope and prayer that you will share a link to our web-site with everyone you are in contact with.  I do not ask a lot but I am asking now.  James 2:14-26 We don’t have long to confront the threat the church faces.

The SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) made some controversial decisions during June, 2015. The Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare, and gay marriage have both been addressed by SCOTUS. This is where our faith is tested. The fact is for years I have watched people on the right and left contend that each other were violating our Constitution.

Our Constitution puts in place three branches of government with one being SCOTUS. Our Constitution does not provide for cherry picking.  Many of us believe the federal government has usurped powers of the states. That being said the decisions of the Supreme Court become the law of the land.  All this being said we must never forget the final and supreme authority is God.

This week the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled having the Ten Commandments on the grounds of the capitol violated the Oklahoma Constitution.  First, the Ten Commandment statue was paid for and donated by Oklahoma Representative Mike Ritze.  There were no public funds used.  Second, denying that the Ten Commandments were a guiding force for our forefathers is to deny history itself.  Equating satanical worship with the Ten Commandments is offensive to the men and women who fought for our independence.  SCOTUS has ruled on similar cases and ruled in favor of those that supported the Ten Commandments being allowed on state capitol grounds. If threads are being continually pulled one by one from a piece of fabric, it is only matter of time before the complete unraveling becomes inevitable.  The Ten Commandments are woven into the fabric of our country.

We are at a defining point in our country and not for the reason(s) many would think.  We, as a country must decide if the Constitution has meaning, and if so are we going to abide by the rulings of the Supreme Court, recognizing the same Constitution we want upheld and defended established SCOTUS.  There is a process to amend the Constitution but we should think long and hard before starting down this path.

We may disagree with SCOTUS but we should continue to respect the Constitution and the framework for our system of government, or we are left with anarchy.  As Christians we are told to, and we must give our love, forgiveness, and have compassion even for those who may choose a different lifestyle than we would.

We may abhor Obamacare, but for years Republicans had the opportunity to do something about our broken healthcare system and instead chose to bow down to corporations. There is discussion about the use of the “Exceptions Clause” of our Constitution to fend off Obamacare.  My own question is if this approach was in fact viable why was it not pursued earlier?  I know my insurance costs have gone up as has my deductible under Obamacare.

I am not suggesting that we should forsake all legal options but it must be done with respect, dignity and humility.  I am not suggesting people should compromise their convictions but we should not get in the gutter with those that want to drag us down to their level.  Being a Christian requires us to act as Christians and being an example for others on how to treat others.

Not too long ago I heard a gay activist say that the gay community should not be forcing pastors and others to participate in gay weddings. The thinking was that gays want to be able to act on their beliefs and who they are, and Christians must be able to do the same. The move in our country today to force a pastor to preside over a gay marriage, a Christian baker to cook a cake for a gay wedding, or a Christian photographer to film a gay wedding is wrong, and moreover Christians must be obedient to God. We must be obedient with humility.  “Be angry but do not sin” (Ephesians 4:26) is what we are taught in scripture.

For years Christians have been clamoring to get in bed with the Republican Party.  As a matter of record I voted for George Bush his first term in office. George Bush spoke of compassionate conservatism while just dreaming of the day when he would be the President of the United States and be able to get even with Saddam Hussein for planning the assassination of his father.  I am not suggesting this was the only reason President Bush sold the war in Iraq.  What has become obvious is some of the reasons given would not stand the test of scrutiny.

Going forward, Christians supported Mitt Romney who provided the blueprint for Obamacare. Once Mitt Romney made his infamous statement about the 47% who are takers and would never vote for him, the election was over. Yes, there are takers among the 47% but there are also the elderly, disabled, people in the military, and people who previously served in the military.

Are we not supposed to take care of the elderly and disabled?  How about our wounded veterans?  Too many of us stood silently by because we cared more about politics than the teachings of Christ Jesus. I, myself have been guilty of this sin. I am not suggesting it is the role of the federal government to provide for all needs of all people. We should acknowledge that President Bush expanded Medicare to the tune of $400 billion; the largest expansion since the program was instituted.

I am on record as being opposed to Comprehensive Immigration Reform (S744).  I am not a racist or a bigot but some will call me by these names because I do not support S744.  How many Christians were yelling obscenities and throwing objects at children who had crossed our borders illegally?  Is that what being a Christian means?  I say “three cheers” to the pastors who live in Texas or went to Texas to feed and care for the children. Our borders must be sealed before any discussion of immigration reform should occur, and even then we must consider all the consequences of immigration reform.  How many know that S744 specifically calls for all employers regardless of size to collect the biometrics of their employees, then the employer has to send the biometrics to DHS (Department of Homeland Security) along with other Personal Identifiable Information of the prospective employee or current employee?  There is no religious exemption.  Amish and others including some Jewish people that have a religious objection to being photographed will in fact be required to be photographed.  If you object to being enrolled into a single global system of identification that drectly links your body to your ability to buy and sell, you are required to provide your biometrics. If you are the employer including churches, you will be required to provide the biometrics of your employees.

The Photo Identification Security Act has been introduced multiple times.  This piece of legislation requires all financial institutions to require a biometric identification document.  There is no defintion of a financial institution in the legislation.  There is also no religious exemption.  In a recent survey 87% of all bankers said they will have biometric authentication within the next few years:  Over 22% already do.

It is one thing to question the information being provided and/or question me.  It is another when sources, multiple sources are provided to irrefutably prove each point I make. To turn your head away and not fact check yourself is undefensible.  Read “Real ID Exposed:  It is worse than you think.” then pray over what you learn.  If there is any point that you believe we have not addressed then challenge us to address it. Knowledge demands action.  I am not going to quote chapter and verse about our responsibility to warn others, even about things that some may not see as a direct threat to themselves.  If you believe and trust what God has told us then you know a time will come when millions, if not a billion people or more will be told by the Antichrist to accept the Mark of the Beast.  We each know the consequences to those that will.  You and I may not be here but there will be many that will be.  I pray for mercy for any Christian that does not either warn people themselves or helps those that are warning people.  James 4:17

Many blame gays, Muslims, people in our country illegally, Jews, blacks, Hispanics and about everyone else for our country’s woes when in fact our country has been governed predominately by white Christians.  There was a time when the local church was the foundation for our country.  Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.  People got their news at the local church and their children were educated within the local church’s domain.  The church was where people in need went and their needs were met. The local church was at one time in our history where the norms of society were established.

There are those that would deny our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.  I would remind those people of the words engraved on the Liberty Bell: Leviticus 25:10 and it reads, “Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all inhabitants thereof.” There are also the words of our founding forefathers. During America’s first Congress in 1774 scripture was read. This essay is not intended to quote all the passages our forefathers spoke that leave no question on what was the basis for the values and/or morality our forefathers wanted for our country.

When will we admit God gave us an incredible opportunity here in the United States and we are blowing it?  I speak with pastors all over the country.  I have been to churches all over the country.  What cannot be denied is many churches have become lukewarm.  What does God say about lukewarm?  The word vomit should come to mind for Christians (Revelation 3:15-16).  The primary responsibility for lukewarm preaching falls on the pastors and church elders; not everyone else in the world.  We have failed to make disciples. The goal is for those that are discipled to share the Gospel with others, and make disciples of others.  I have many friends that are Catholics but I challenge any of them to deny that the Vatican fell way short and still is falling short of meeting the most basic of requirements, which is to protect our children.  We should all be cognizant of 1Timothy 5:8.

Some may read what I have written and think I do not love our country or appreciate the many ways we have been blessed by God.  Lee Greenwood wrote a song that the describes how I feel

My purpose is not to blame all the problems of the world on Christians, but rather in trying to understand why we do not spend more time focusing on the Bible which is authored by God, and less time focusing on documents authored by men.  There are several passages in the Bible that teach us God did author the Bible among these are 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1: 20-21, and Psalm 19:7.  I do recommend that people use a concordance for a clearer understanding of the passages I am referring to. Many of us see Signs of the Times taking place today. These signs culminate in the End of the Age. Many suggest Christ Jesus will return soon. If this is the case, shouldn’t we be more focused on being prepared for His return than things of this world?  There are many temptations in this world but God will always provide a way to escape or endure. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

I am not suggesting politics and religion are mutually exclusive, but rather if we are to focus on politics, it should be primarily on those issues that directly impact our right to preach the Gospel; after all if we preach the Gospel to the whole world, would not many of the problems we see today be addressed in a more effective way than what we see now?  Please do not add words to what I am saying; I am not suggesting we should not be engaged in issues such as education, energy independence, or other issues, but rather we should be giving the majority of our time and focus on the Word of God, Almighty. We should walk past scoffers but clearly Christ Jesus ministered to all people. The Apostles did not have a spotless past. Christ Jesus discipled to the Apostles.

Going to church in and of itself does not cut it; as a matter of fact there is nothing I can do or you can do that by itself gets us a boarding pass for eternal salvation: Thank God for His Grace. I read scripture everyday and watch at least seven biblical prophecy shows each week. There is not a week that goes by where I do not watch sermons from different pastors across the country.  I am not worthy but that will not stop me from working each day to be more obedient.  Our jobs are what we do to earn a living: Our work is what we do for God.  I heard these words from a pastor and have never forgotten them.

We are all sinners and as such we must glorify God and recognize the suffering of Christ on the Cross, his blood as payment for our sins and repent.  We must have humility and humble ourselves before God in prayer (2 Chronicles 7:14).  We should be getting our own house in order. We should be making knowledge acceptable, making the most of every opportunity and preaching the Gospel while emphasizing the dependability of the Bible. Personally, I know of no other way to understand the scripture but literally.

My studying the last month has been focused on Genesis, with a specific goal of understanding Helium diffusion, the case for the accelerated rate of nuclear decay, the First and Second laws of Thermodynamics, and related matters. The more I know, the more I know that there is more to know.  What is apparent to me is the Unity we should be seeking is becoming a more difficult task as we focus on denominational differences rather than what are common faith truths in scripture. The Unity and common faith versus denominational differences will be addressed in a document the Constitutional Alliance will be placing in our section “What Christians Need to Know” over the next couple of weeks or so.

We must able to distinguish between what beliefs we hold that are based on personal experience, tradition, culture, personal opinions and so on, and our beliefs that are based on the what is clearly stated in scripture that applies to all.  The church needs stability and Unity built on the common faith (Titus 1:4). If we cannot reconcile our beliefs with what is clearly stated in scripture, it is our beliefs that must change; not scripture. There is appropriate room for disagreement when our beliefs are based on personal experience, tradition, culture, and personal opinions but this must be done with respect.

To be clear, I am not without guilt myself.  I have at times gotten myself involved in a number of political issues that are distractions from the word of God over the years. When we first started the Constitutional Alliance we agreed that mandated biometric enrollment was a threat to all freedom loving people, but especially a threat to our ability to preach the Gospel. Many years ago when I went to Washington D.C. to talk to members of Congress about mandatory biometric enrollment.  I was warned by a Chief of Staff of a U.S. senator that I should stay focused on biometrics because many people would try and distract me. This Chief of Staff was a fellow Brother in Christ and a very close friend of mine opening up many doors for me. God makes all things possible. All Glory belongs to God.

I am not being hypocritical about focusing so heavily on mandated biometrics, a policy of our government because mandated biometric enrollment is a threat to the church.  At a time when Christians are being hated, persecution is increasing, and anti-semitism is on the rise, we must be cautious of giving government the power to control our ability to buy, sell, travel and work.

It should not be a surprise that law enforcement wants the biometrics of all people. Law enforcement has a difficult job at best. If we were to give law enforcement and our intelligence community everything they want we would be as culpable as they are in creating a surveillance state.  God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient.  God does not need a surveillance state nor would God want one for man. Satan on the other hand does want a surveillance state.  Satan does not have the power that God does.

There has been a great deal of discussion in our country among Christians about our responsibility to be the salt and the light.  Salt is a preservative that was used in early times to preserve fish.  We should be preserving morality. The reality is we cannot even preserve our inalienable rights from our Creator. The foundation for our criminal justice system is our right to be presumed innocent and we cannot preserve this. Forcing people to provide their biometrics is antithetical to being presumed innocent.  What is apparent is we are more fearful of men than being disobedient to God.

The answer to all our problems seems to be biometrics: Immigration, welfare fraud identity theft, census control, cyber security, finding terrorists, knowing if our children are in school, driver’s license fraud and much, much more.  Too many believe biometrics is the small (s) savior to all our problems.  The Constitutional Alliance and others who support our work have proposed an alternative which is discussed in “Real ID Exposed:  It is Worse Than You Think”.  We should never agree to the numbering of people, but rather numbering documents and ensure the documents are authentic.  Think how well throughout history, or actually how badly the numbering of people has turned out. “Bio” means body and “metrics” means or is measurements; biometrics is the number of man. There is only one Savior and He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

My biometrics, your biometrics is unique to each of us.  Biometrics is our fingerprints, facial recognition, iris scans, palm vein geometry, but also our DNA.  Not too long ago at a conference about policing in the future one of the speakers said he thought within ten to fifteen years there would be a centralized database of everyone’s DNA.  How can anyone argue that mandating the collection of every person’s biometrics is consistent with citizens being secure in their person; a 4th Amendment right?

In the essay “Real ID Exposed:  It is Worse Than You Think” you will learn how biometrics are used to violate our right to free speech, our right to peacefully assemble, our right to seek redress of our grievances, and most egregiously, our right to religious freedom.

We should trust God, not governments.  We have revised “Information is Power and Power Equates to Control” on our web-site. I defy anyone to read the essay and come away believing trusting in government will accomplish anything other than servitude:  Not servitude to God, but rather other men.

One of the most misunderstood Chapter and verses of the Bible is Romans 13:1-7.  Some believe we are not supposed to disobey government authority even by acts of civil disobedience. Yes, God created the institution of government but when there is a conflict between what God requires us to do, and laws created by man; we must be obedient to God. There are many examples of those that disobeyed authority in the early days but they did subject themselves to authority.  One example is in the Book of Acts which describes how the Apostles disobeyed authority but did subject themselves to authority.  To subject yourself to authority as we are told to do, is far different than to blindly summit yourself to governmental authority.

I do not want to get too far off point but I will address a question that we at the Constitutional Alliance are frequently asked.  People in the United States and others in countries around the world have reached out to the Constitutional Alliance about biometrics and the Mark of the Beast. There is no biblical foundation for equating having your biometrics collected today with accepting the Mark of the Beast. Having said that, we must be vigilant and recognize there is no other technology that does exist today that could fulfill the requirements of the Mark of the Beast. There has never been the political will and the technology to meet the requirements for the Mark of the Beast until now.

Biometrics and RFID are consistent with will become the Mark of the Beast. Many people including Christians do not understand we are each being enrolled into a single global system of identification that directly links our body to our ability to buy, sell, travel, and work.  An explanation for why the system is global is in the document also published today titled “Real ID Exposed: It Is Worse Than You Think.”  If you believe living in a non-Real ID compliant state has protected you, be prepared to learn that international organizations and mega-global corporations have ensured that is not the case.

I have testified before several state legislative committees around the country. Not one person has ever refuted that biometric enrollment is global based on international standards. There is only one reason for international standards and that is to facilitate the collection and sharing of biometric information which is in fact taking place today.  As Christians we know of the highway we are to take (Isaiah 35:8).  We also know what happens to those that do not take this highway.  Global biometric enrollment will result in many being taken down the wrong path; a path that will lead to the Mark of the Beast and the Lake of Fire.  I do not and will not have the blood of these people on my hands.

Over 1/3 of the people in the United States hold U.S. passports. Other people have been or are in the military and as such have had their biometrics collected.  Many others have had their biometrics collected when applying for a state driver’s license.  Those that work at our ports have also had their biometrics collected under a program called TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Credential).  As I said earlier, being in this system is not the equivalent of accepting the Mark of the Beast.  That does not diminish our responsibility to warn others and support those that are fighting to end mandatory biometric enrollment.

I have literally received calls from people crying telling me they have accepted the Mark of the Beast.  I explain that is absolutely not the case. Those that do accept the Mark of the Beast will do so by consent and with knowledge of what they are doing. They will worship the Antichrist or be put to death.  These people will also find the Lake of Fire.  When these things happen the Antichrist and the false prophet will have been revealed.

One way I can analogize what is happening today with biometrics is to use the example of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the creation of the nation of Israel.  F.B. Meyer was an Evangelical who understood the significance of the Balfour Declaration of 1917. This is not to say other Evangelicals did not understand the significance; they absolutely did.  After 1917 and before 1948 there was plenty of reason for people to doubt that the Balfour Declaration would be crucial to biblical prophecy being fulfilled.  We are all familiar with what happened during the 1930’s up until 1945 with the rise and fall of Hitler.  We should never fall into the trap of doubting the dependability of what is plainly stated in scripture.

My point is biblical prophecy being fulfilled is often not a result of a once off event, but rather a process spanning years. Today 3/4 of the countries in the world either already has, or announced they will have some form of national/international ID.  These countries represent about 90% of the world’s population.  Nearly all remaining countries are utilizing biometrics but have not declared yet that will have a national/international ID.  Robert Mocny, the Director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Biometric Management is on record saying all countries will have biometric ID’s.

The World Bank is helping to finance the realization of total global biometric enrollment. Half of India’s 1/2 billion people have already been enrolled.  Even in places without electricity or running water mobile biometric enrollment vehicles are being used to ensure eventually all the people in India are enrolled.  The system in India facilitates the use of banking and the obtaining of resources including government benefits. The same vendor providing biometrics to your state DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) is front and center in India’s national/international program.  You will learn more about the mega-global corporation Safran that I am speaking about in “Real ID Exposed:  It Is Worse Than You Think.”  Know that Safran is a French company with offices in Russia and Red China.  The U.S. subsidiary of Safran is Morpho-Trust.

So what should Christians be doing today?  Many Christians have their biometrics and the biometrics of their children already in federal databases. Should we just throw our hands up in the air and say that there is nothing we can do?  Is that what Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Corrie ten Boom, or many others did knowing that the price they would pay in this world by helping the Jews?  Bonhoeffer died in a prison camp, just weeks before that camp was liberated by the Allies.  You can start by notifying your state lawmakers and your congressional delegation that you oppose being forced to provide your biometrics.

Look, most Christians have no idea of the system of global identification and financial control they have been enrolled into.  When they do they can warn those that have not been enrolled in this system and/or they can support those that are warning both Christians and non-Christians.  I can say from personal experience that biblical prophecy can be a wonderful tool to use in evangelizing.  Hundreds of events prophesied in the Old and New Testament have already been fulfilled proving the dependability of the Word of God.  Consider that the non-Believers who will be confronted with the Antichrist and the Mark of the Beast will either accept the Mark of the Beast or be put to death.  We are not explicitly told if people will give their life to Christ Jesus rather than accepting the Mark of the Beast.  If when that time comes people realize this is what the Bible has told them would happen, those same people may at that moment give their life to Christ Jesus.  Millions of people could be Saved.

The Constitutional Alliance’s primary mission is to warn and educate people about the system they are being enrolled into. The Constitutional Alliance has been in contact with people in over 50 countries.  We are educating people in the United States so they can demand from state lawmakers a religious exemption from being forced into this system and further, any existing biometric data be wiped from state DMV databases. What we cannot and must not do is nothing.  If a person is convicted of a crime or law enforcement has a warrant that is one thing, but a mandating that all people are in this global system of identification and control is far different.

Bonhoeffer said it correctly “Not to act is to act.” None of us know when exactly Christ Jesus will return.  Are we so passive that we are willingly going to stand by and give OUR government the power and control to decide when we can buy, sell, travel and work?  I will not beg, but I will ask that you read “Real ID Exposed” and learn just how your ability to buy, sell, travel and work is under attack today. Should Christ Jesus not return for 40, 50 years or longer are we going to subject our children’s children to this system before we reach the End of the Age?

There are many good and brave men, and women in our intelligence community, our military and law enforcement.  That being said there is a culture of corruption sweeping down like a vulture on its prey: We are that prey.  Given the sinful nature of man we should not be surprised.  Read “Information is Power and Power Equates to Control” on our web-site and be prepared to learn.  Each point made is documented. There are over 100 links to government documents, mainstream media, and to OUR government’s web-sites. Once you have read “Information is Power and Power Equates to Control” you cannot help but understand just how wrong it is to give people in our government the power to decide who can buy, sell, travel, and work.

I know of one wealthy devoted Christian family that opposed bar codes making a connection between bar codes and the Mark of the Beast. When it comes to biometrics some people ask their members of Congress or people in law enforcement if biometrics is a threat to our religious freedom. Why would anyone believe that asking the people who passed laws mandating biometrics and the people who want a global biometric system is productive?  I would ask this family or others who read what the Constitutional Alliance has written on this subject to pray and ask God about biometrics. The answer will come with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The answer is in the Bible.

Not too long ago in my reading I came across an article that spoke to the issue of the creation of a surveillance state. There was one part of the article that summarized what many of us know.  I copied those words because I could not have expressed my own sentiments better than the following words:  “It has nothing to do with fighting terrorism and crime, which everyone supports and all agree is a thankless task. It has everything to do with establishing and reinforcing social control – control, not protection, of us, the people, by the existing regime of state power and corporate wealth. The mass surveillance of everyone without prior suspicion, which the bill helps reinforce, makes us all potential suspects. Knowing this, we self-censor; knowing we are being watched, we obey, the condition of slavery.”

You can do a search of the Constitutional Alliance web-site and find where I have written about the “Chilling Effect” surveillance state has on the freedom, on the rights of all people. Man wanting to be god-like should concern us all.   There is a difference between wanting to be god-like and like God.  Wanting to be god-like refers to wanting the power and abilities of God.  Being like God refers to behaving as God wants. Wanting to know everything about everyone, and be all places with surveillance, and exerting power by being the sole decider of what we can and cannot do without the permission or approval of government is a threat to all citizens.

Normally I do not incorporate photos into the essays I write.  I am making an exception in this case. I do not need the permission of the author to use the picture of a book cover because I am the author. I wrote the book about 7 years ago; long before the Snowden document dump. I am including the picture in this essay because it conveys what is happening in the world today.  The book was written before most of the countries in the world had a national/international ID.  I did not look at what was taking place in the world today and then see if there was anything in the Bible to support what I knew.  I knew what to look for in the world because I read and study what is in the Bible.

Your Body is Your ID

Many years ago I was speaking with a Pennsylvania lawmaker who has moved on and is now a leader of a large Christian organization.  We were speaking about the many challenges our country was facing.  None of the problems or what I called “balls” at the time has been resolved. I wrote about the day would come when the balls our government was juggling would start to fall. That day has come already in many countries around the world.  Biometrics are about control, period.

Just this week Greece has defaulted on loans from the International Monetary Fund.  This Sunday Greeks will decide if they are going to support any deal when they go to the ballot box. UPDATE: Early exit polls indicate the Greeks have in fact decided to leave the European Union.  This development may have huge global implications. Portugal, Spain and other countries are not too far behind Greece in the problems they are facing.  China is experiencing far less growth than anticipated. The Russian people are suffering under the leadership of Putin.  Our own debt exceeds 19 trillion dollars and that does not include many entitlement programs.

I am not an expert on the world economy but I do follow Patrick Wood who authors the August Review.  He is both a Brother in Christ and an expert on global economics.  Patrick’s view of where we are headed in consistent with what we are told will occur in the Bible.

I do not know how long it will be before people in our country take to the streets. I do not know what the driving force will be. My own personal belief based on my understanding of His Word is our country will continue to move towards less representation of the people. Our sovereignty will continue to be assailed.  We will enter into more global agreements.  I am not suggesting all agreements are necessarily bad, but if the voice of citizens is not heard or even being asked for, then I do oppose international agreements.

I know I will be judged by man while on this earth.  Often we do not ask to hear both sides of a story; we jump to conclusions and then hold steadfast.  God had and has a plan for me. I always do not know at the time why God would want me to be judged negatively by other men.  I must have faith knowing that God does have a plan and just as importantly His plan is far better than any I might have. I must and do trust in God. God has a purpose that is always not clear in the moment.

I have asked God why he has chosen me, the unlikeliest of people to carry such an important warning to the church.  Knowing scripture, I knew the answer but was not a willing participant at first. What is clear is His Judgment, unlike man’s judgment is of the utmost importance to me: His is the only Judgment with eternal consequences.

To those that are not Believers I want you to know that I was light years away from God, practicing sin, but never out of the reach of the Almighty, God. You are not out of reach either regardless of what you have done, what you are doing now, or how old you are. I know what it is like to walk into a church and feel like you are not welcomed or even not worthy; perhaps because you have never picked up, much less read and studied a Bible.  Many years ago I traveled down that path. I had to find a church where the pastor would not appease me or patronize me, but rather challenge me while at the same time, do so with open arms and love.

Be careful not to fall into the trap of going to a church because the pastor says what you want to hear. Believe me when I tell you there are pastors that are focused on making the building bigger, the choir larger and other such things resulting in a watered down teaching.  The return on investment of a local church is measured in people that are led to Christ Jesus and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

You will learn why God had Jesus come to earth as a man, born of a virgin birth, died on the Cross, paid our debt for our sins with His blood, was resurrected as proof of who He is and ascended to His Kingdom, but did not leave us alone, and in fact left us with the Holy Spirit that dwells in us. You will come to understand what is meant by “The Trinity”:  How God the Father, Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit are three while being one.  If you are thinking about what is missing from your life or what hope is there for you, a pastor will challenge you, but he will do so out of love and compassion for you.

Do not believe that because someone is a Christian that they do not sin. They do and you will to, but what you will find is you are not practicing sin if you listen to and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

You may have an addiction of one sort of another and believe that because you cannot conquer your addiction immediately that you do not belong in a local church. The truth is those in the local church and the Holy Spirit will not abandon you.  They will help you to break your addiction; to conquer it. You may not see it, but the hand of Christ Jesus is reaching out for you right now.  Most likely the reason you do not see His hand is you are caught up in things of this world.

Do not think that being a Christian means you cannot  play golf, go to a sporting event, watch a movie, travel or other such things; God wants you to enjoy the life He has given you, but do so in ways that you are obedient to Him.

“whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” (James 4:14). Don’t wait to experience a love unlike any other that can be experienced by man; the love of our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.

In the Bible we are told of Birth Pangs (Matthew 24:8). Like a woman in labor these pains will become more frequent with greater intensity.  We would prefer Christ Jesus to return sooner rather than later.  We are not children waiting for Christmas presents on Christmas day. We are told there will be persecution and the persecution will become greater with more frequency, as we approach the End of the Age. Since the early days of the church Christians believed the time was near.  Many felt Tribulation had started about 70 A.D. Of course that was not possible for many reasons, not the least of which was the Apostle John had not written Revelation until about 95 A.D..  Today we see many Signs of the Times but not just yet with the frequency and intensity that we will see.

Many since have not been sure if Revelation should have been included in the Bible. God always has a plan. God not only authored/inspired Revelation through the Apostle John but God knew questions would arise.

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” (John 8:36).  We are having our rights converted into privileges by our government resulting in a loss of our freedom.  We are free in Christ Jesus.  No government can take away your beliefs.  Government can and will impact your ability to act on those beliefs and thus threaten our religious freedom, which in turn threatens our ability to act on one of our most important responsibilities; preach the Gospel to the whole word.

Typically we end our messages with a “please” but this time I would like to convey the urgency and importance of this appeal.  I see no need to get into the biblical foundation for giving.  A person either gets it or they don’t.  There are many good Christian organizations doing excellent work.  Only the Constitutional Alliance focuses on biometrics; the linchpin of surveillance state which has no interest in the preaching of the Gospel.  Use the donate button on the homepage of our web-site : or send your donation to the address provided, but either way do it today. Again I ask and encourage that you share a link to the Constitutional Alliance with everyone you are in contact with and ask them to do the same.  “Not to act is to act.”

One last reminder/request:  Read “Real ID Exposed: It is Worse Than You Think.”  You will know the system you are being enrolled into is a global system that directly links your body to your ability to buy, sell, travel and work.

God Bless these United States of America


About The Author
Constitutional Alliance, Inc
Mark Lerner is a co-founder of the Constitutional Alliance, an alliance of groups and individuals who support the Mission Statement.

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