I am angry about Facial Recognition

Am I angry? Yes, and with good reason.

For nearly twenty years myself and the other Co-Founder of the Constitutional Alliance have warned Citizens in the United States and people all over the world that mandatory biometric enrollment would be the linchpin of the surveillance state. We provided people in India with detailed information to oppose Aadhaar, India's National/International biometric program.

Definition. Linchpin: "thing vital to an enterprise or organization".

The Constitutional Alliance has reached people in over 50 countries; yes, not states but 50 countries.

Nearly 20 years ago we warned people the ID process would be moved from the ID document (drivers' license, etc.) to directly on or in the body. Soon thereafter biometric scanners were used to ID people. Now the process has moved to Digital/Mobile ID. Sad to say, but as one reads on, one will learn that our warning has been time proven to be 100% correct. 

In 2007, The Constitutional Alliance shared the words of a senior DHS official, "Robert Mocny, acting program manager for the U.S. Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology program, sketched the outline of a Global Security Envelope of internationally shared biometric data that would permanently link individuals with their personal data held by governments and corporations. "


Julian Ashbourn, as Chairman of the International Biometrics Foundation, emphatically stated:

What information do governments share?
With whom is my data shared and why?

According to Ashbourn, 'these questions need to be addressed by an agency with global powers'.

Really? We need a global biometrics agency with global powers? [Think about that one for a moment.]


The Constitutional Alliance has never taken the position that biometrics should never be used.

The Constitutional Alliance recognizes that law enforcement has a need for biometrics so that they can serve and protect We, the People. That being said, warrants should need to be obtained to capture/collect a person's biometrics.

One's DNA is a biometric.
One's video image captured on CCTV contains numerous biometrics.

Law enforcement should be required to obtain a John or Jane Doe warrant to search a database. Department of Motor Vehicles databases should not be a repository for the biometrics of the people in a State or Commonwealth.

In 2003 going forward, we warned people about the corruption in the biometrics industry. A significant and relevant lawsuit filed by an Oklahoma law firm was filed against the largest biometric company in the United States; and arguably the largest such biometric company in the world. Evidence was provided to the federal government which originated from people from deep within the biometrics industry. That evidence, largely considered massive and accurate, exposed the biometric industry testing that was "rigged" and "bogus". The evidence revealed test results that were faked in order to inflate the industry's desired perceived worth. 

As Christians, one has no excuse for not seeing biometrics for what they are.

Biometrics is a tool to provide power over people by government(s).

The Constitutional Alliance, preceded by its sister organization, The Stop Real ID Coalition, had people go state to state testifying before state legislatures to oppose the Real ID Act 2005. We spoke directly with members of Congress, their staff, and legal counsels for committees and leaders of different ministries. We warned people that the Real ID Act was about mandatory biometric enrollment - not verifying people are who they say they are, which explains why even though the law requires birth certificates be verified, they still are not verifying birth certificates as of this date. Despite there is already a telecommunication system in place to verify birth certificates without any further need for creating a national database of birth certificates.

There has been legislation (Legal Workforce Act and The Photo Identification Act) introduced in Congress that would require your biometrics to be able to work, travel, and bank. Now that all states are Real ID compliant (since 2021) expect this legislation will be introduced again. People in different countries are already voluntarily receptive of and accepting and already have an RFID chip being implanted.

One company makes RFID tattoos that are both visible or invisible. You see, receiving an RFID has become extremely simple. Such an invisible tattoo could even be applied without one's knowledge, but clearly be present for use. Surely one could list hundreds of possible scenarios, but I choose to leave you to consider valid scenarios. Remember to consider that the RFID tattoo is but one of many existing ways to implement the chipping process.

When Kaye Beach, filed a lawsuit against mandatory biometric enrollment there were those that said she was defying Romans 13. How do those same people square their position about what Kaye Beach was doing with supporting what happened at the US capitol on 6 January 2021?

In our country there are many people who see being told to wear a mask to protect against COVID as a freedom/liberty issue. Many governors have agreed.

So I ask, "How can wearing a mask be a freedom issue but being enrolled into a global biometric system of identification and financial control, one that permanently links a person's ability to buy, sell, travel, and work, not be a freedom/liberty issue?"

The standards for biometric enrollment are international. This allows for global information sharing which is already taking place.

The big lie: Some believe it is too late to do anything to stop the growing surveillance state. That is not true.

Texas, and

have strong privacy laws.

What really aggravates me are the hypocrites. Those hypocrites are now crying foul over the use of facial recognition technology. Yet nine years ago, those same hypocrites were and are on record accepting facial recognition technology to achieve Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

I personally spent countless hours on conference calls with mostly progressive groups that are well known, explaining why more needed to be done to stop mandatory biometric enrollment. Even centrist groups and groups center right did not want to spend the time to discuss mandatory biometric enrollment.

Here we are today, and a person would have to be living under a rock not to know that what the Constitutional Alliance has been saying, for what seems a lifetime, is true -

biometrics is the linchpin of a surveillance state.

Nearly every person in the world is in this biometric system.


The FBI, DHS, DOD, and nearly every other agency and department of the federal government has their own biometric database. The FBI's database is one of, if not the largest in the world. A massive collection of digital facial images, fingerprints, voice recognition, iris scans, and more. The federal government and states now are telling citizens they must use Mobile/Digital ID to interact with agencies and departments. Mobile/Digital ID requires facial recognition technology.

Two former senior NSA whistle blowers are on record telling the Constitutional Alliance Digital ID/Mobile ID is not secure.

These two former NSA whistle blowers were instrumental in creating the software to surveil Islamic extremists but decided to become whistle blowers when the software they developed was being used on U.S. citizens.

Let's get this! Those two NSA whistle blowers, the same two senior analyst who developed the software, learned that it was being used on US Citizens, so they began blowing the whistle on this deception? Imagine that.

Not only were the two former senior analysts with the NSA correct in what they told the Constitutional Alliance, but the compromise has already happened in a major way and it was not hard. Read the following:


There are those that say they are standing up today to secure liberty and the rights of people for their children and grandchildren.

Let me ask: How is that accomplished without standing up and opposing mandatory biometric enrollment?

Some say that the Democrats are to blame while others blame the Republicans. The truth is, regardless of the party in power, the surveillance state continued to grow.

I leave you with this fact. It is not too late.

Steve Meyer, the Executive Director of the Constitutional Alliance will be making a major announcement within 60 days.

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