Mission Statement of Constitutional Alliance

The Constitutional Alliance, a coalition of like minded groups and individuals, agree that these documents represent the road map and structure paramount to the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness:

Declaration of Independence,
Bill of Rights, and
United States Constitution and Amendments.

The Constitutional Alliance agree that these topics provision a horrible agenda providing eminent harm to the freedom and privacy of Citizens of the United States of America:

Mandated Biometric Enrollment,
Sustainable Development (aka U.N. Agenda 21, aka U.N. Agenda 2030),
Forging the structure to control the ability to buy and sell,
Implementing the control of speech, thought, and the ability to censor opposition, and
Conversion of “the unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” to privileges.

The Constitutional Alliance creates a greater positive impact through effective coordination of effort and coaching its coalition, communicating updates and insights, producing and promoting key legislation, and assisting lawmakers at the State and Federal levels with the intent to defeat these eminent threats to the People.

Together, the Alliance members can leverage coordination with others to expose and successfully oppose these threats to liberty – and rise victorious!

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