Badge of Honor Goes to Michigan State Representative Tom McMillin

Congratulations Representative McMillin for being awarded the first Badge of Honor. The Badge of Honor is not a partisan award. The Badge of Honor goes to a state lawmaker that has listened to and acted on the voice of the people.  The Constitutional Alliance will be awarding additional Badges Of Honor and Badges of Dishonor as warranted.  We want to encourage the people who follow the Constitutional Alliance to submit the names of state lawmakers who they believe deserve a Badge of Honor or Dishonor.  Please keep in mind that Badges are not awarded based on how a lawmaker votes on any given issue but rather for allowing the voices of the people to be heard.  We will contact as many groups and people as we can in a state to hopefully get a complete picture when a lawmaker is nominated for one of the Badges.

There was an effort by many people and groups to have a hearing in legislative committee that focused on smart meters.  We were informed that the MPSC (Michigan Public Service Commission) failed to allow all people to have their voices heard and further to give consideration to all available evidence that indicated there are health, safety and privacy concerns, each of which is supported by credible documentation.  In part, this credible documentation included letters from a number of doctors and their patients that stated patients were being adversely affected by being exposed to the Radio Frequency Radiation that was and is directly attributed to smart meters according to people who testified either in person or by submitting written testimony. 

The Constitutional Alliance contacted several different activists and/or advocacy groups in Michigan to find out if they had an opinion one way or the other about the work Representative McMillin had and was doing. 

Representative McMillin is the Chairman of the Oversight Committee.  As the chairman, Representative McMillin held a hearing on December 2, 2014 allowing countless numbers of people the opportunity to testify in person and others to submit written testimony.  There were so many people that attended the hearing that is was necessary to open up an additional room for the overflow.  When we spoke with people in Michigan, both Republicans and Democrats, they were grateful for having the opportunity to have their voices heard and placed “on the record.”  The hearing lasted over 5 hours. 

Going forward we have been told to expect legislation to be introduced that will allow people if they would like to retain their analog meters.

Once again, thank you and congratulations to Representative McMillin.


The Constitutional Alliance


About The Author
Constitutional Alliance, Inc
Mark Lerner is a co-founder of the Constitutional Alliance, an alliance of groups and individuals who support the Mission Statement.

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